i actually one of those who saw plenty of harsh comments and criticism against this but instead of ruining it for me.. i actually got more interested and so i came and read it.. yeah, i'm weird that way!! but i never for one second regretted it..

Personally, I dislike this manga, but I always give things a try, and I am also free to voice my opinion. Quit criticizing people whose opinion differs from yours! That is immature and prejudicial.

let's just say "bad publicity is STILL publicity.. and end this on that note.. no need to start arguing who gets to voice his like or dislike the loudest..
So I just want to say something...
If you don't like this story or similar stories like this, stop complaining and kindly leave. Move on to something else that suits your taste better, no one is forcing you to read this. Don't ruin the experience for those who are enjoying this story.