As a trans guy. The mpreg hype in the comments is making me giggle, bc it makes me feel a lot more confident in wanting to carry my own child. Bc im just rocking w what i have in order to have a child (ovaries and a womb), doesn’t make me less of a man, just makes me a pregnant one lol :P
Trans solidarity although personally not my thing i do love seeing other transmen doing what they want with their bodies cause we are so cool. I hope to see more transpeople raising kids in the next couple years cause i think the parenting part will be so different in a good way.
As a trans guy. The mpreg hype in the comments is making me giggle, bc it makes me feel a lot more confident in wanting to carry my own child. Bc im just rocking w what i have in order to have a child (ovaries and a womb), doesn’t make me less of a man, just makes me a pregnant one lol :P