Oh... Thats not!! pt 2

Vixxer February 4, 2024 4:56 pm

But i'm not really on anyside.. Cain is really delu lu thinking that jooin was is master from a past life.. And also ITS FAKE dont have to read it? You're not being forced to a gunpoint "Oh i've been reading it for a long time!! I just wanna see the ending." Excuses.. :/

    yoongisdad February 4, 2024 5:00 pm

    The yahwi haters honestly have their fun here making jokes about the characters. Maybe you're the one who should quit reading comments since they get to you like this

    Vixxer February 5, 2024 12:25 am
    The yahwi haters honestly have their fun here making jokes about the characters. Maybe you're the one who should quit reading comments since they get to you like this yoongisdad

    You really are obsessed with yawi, since you comment on EVERY single comment that is with him.. Please get a life and stop checking comments like its you're life goal.