I want the pink haired girl to be the end game ughh

Jess February 4, 2024 4:52 pm

YES I'VE READ EVERYTHING (SMH, everyone here is complaining). I hate them all except the pink haired single mom. She is actually the only fl that has personality and a backstory. So I'm here to rant.

- The teacher: I hate her, I've never been a fan of exhibitionism and this girl is such a pervert with no redeeming qualities, she is also fcking crazy. I can't stand her.

- Village head: She's boring. That's it, there is nothing going on for her except that she is tan and has a big ass. No personality, no backstory, no nothing.

-The brunette girl with her mom: Boring yet again. She has nothing going on, her personality is something we've always seen on these manhwas. The girl had the opportunities to make the MC hers but the girl is like "Ur only the hole for me", and now she is like "we are on a date" I hate here. The only thing I remember her for is that she has a hot mom that looks exactly like her. Plus the scenes where she and her mom are together are just fcking weird.

- The aunt: Where do I even start. SHE IS MARRIED. Awww it sucks that your husband has a small dck? Then divorce him and go tf away. The uncle has been nothing but sweet to the MC and he is indeed a caring and loving dude. But nah, this woman is so batshit horny that can't help but use the hole even when she is prohibited to do so. I just hate her, she sees the MC as nothing but a dildo but dares to act 'holier than thou' wherever she is with her nephew, whom I remember, SHE RAPED HIM IN HIS SLEEP. She is the worst, I hate her so much.

That's my essay on this trashy porn manhwa. Lmao what I'm doing with my life.

    Aella Zephyrine February 6, 2024 6:10 pm

    same thoughts, I hate the brunette girl especially

    jayy March 6, 2024 8:57 am

    i’m surprised not a lot of people talked about the aunt r**ing him i was like HUHH