
Spoonswater February 4, 2024 3:16 pm

What… what did he do to get cancelled???

    Bunny May 13, 2024 3:01 am

    Wasn’t it about something he said? The question is, did he say it while streaming or was it a comment he posted on another streamers stream? In this timeline, what’s her name, has stopped him multiple times from commenting on other people’s streams, and “backseat gaming.” She seemed to treat it as a serious issue. So I thought maybe he did that to some popular streamer, and that persons fans started to target him. They idolize their favorite gamer/s, and don’t like to hear that the gamer they idolize doesn’t have that great of skill. But idk.

    Bunny May 13, 2024 3:09 am
    Wasn’t it about something he said? The question is, did he say it while streaming or was it a comment he posted on another streamers stream? In this timeline, what’s her name, has stopped him multiple times... Bunny

    Or, it could be a conspiracy to set him up, by that company, to torch his career, make him desperate enough to sign that slave contract, and use his skills and knowledge to find the map pieces. (I wonder if the map pieces lead to some sort of inheritance, since the ceo and his “superiors” are so desperate to find them.)