nah dude you know it’s not like that, there are perfectly good stories where the character is very small and has a baby face and ISNT perceived as a child cause he isn’t meant to be (for example: two sizes, too small). This manga is literally making OBVIOUS they want the public to see the bottom as a child and that is disgusting af

Everyone in the comments keeps calling him a child or 12 year old and it's genuinely so uncomfortable to see everyone so happily infantilizing a normal teenage boy lol it's quite frankly creepy and I've gone through that in real life. It gives me goosebumps. Of course he's childish. If you're an adult reading this story or in general teens are stupid, immature and still childish. But people are taking that as a reason to make weird ass pedophilic comments related to the story.
Honestly for those calling the uke 8 yrs old and shit that's honestly so disrespectful and demeaning? Like TF. Just because he's short and has a baby face you know he's going to go through hardships in his life because those of us that look young no matter what never get taken seriously, get ignored, get infantilized (ew), treated like glass, etc. Like you realize there are in real life people who are short and have a baby face? I'm one of them and it gives me the biggest ick especially when you know the person's age but you still see them and treat them like a child. Grow up. In the end we end up winning cause everyone gets older and look like melting sacks of skin but we look flawless in out 50s and 80s anyway I really like the bottoms personality he's assertive, strong, hardworking and you can tell he's a very smart person. It would have been weird if the author infantilized them excessively. But he's just a normal ass teen boy with normal ass goin through puberty teen boy thoughts and actions!!