
Azi February 4, 2024 5:13 pm

interesting. I'm reading the novel. I'm still on 50+ chapter tbh I got turn off of how rush mc fall for him and say he like him too. mc have this clear line that what he like was a girl few chapter away after force mark. he know it himself that he like is girls then suddenly, on the third time of mc need a temporary mark. but didn't want to ask the alpha. mc didn't want to get mark but that alpha still mark him despite the mc not wanting to get mark. it feels rush. that the hate feeling of mc from getting forced bite mark distinguish in just span of day.. they solve it with candy coaxing and then it's okay there's no sorry or such just mc explaining things why he didn't want to make him mark him again and alpha concern about his health that's why he did it. then the following day there's a basketball game and mc was a player and the alpha shout that he like the mc after the basketball game and mc told him that he like him too? like wtf this feel to rush especially mc said he still like girls despite knowing alpha like him but after the forced bite mark the mc like him like too wtf?? I don't know what to feel anymore if I'm gonna continue or just drop. I got interested in this coz of mc dense and not having a feelings on mc but they make him fall abruptly after force mark. I guess I need to drop this one for my brain cell sake..

ps. Done reading the novel. although the mc falling in Love part was fast that it disappoint me, i still try to keep reading it before dropping. so far, I enjoy the rest. knowing that they get married, living together with a cat and it's happy ending and no love triangle. it's good the only thing I hate here the forced marking part but I still like the alpha patience. he really take good care of mc, he's caring, he's protective. he's possessive due to his alpha instinct. he's childish and his acting was entertaining. they both complement each other. I also like the parents too. they gave blessing to their child lover and consent.. so it's fine and good to read this.. I'll rate it 8/10 or 4

    memeghla February 6, 2024 2:16 am

    After getting married don't they have any child

    kleelei February 6, 2024 9:30 am
    After getting married don't they have any child memeghla

    If I remember correctly it just ended with them saying they’re gonna get married there’s no extras

    xellaj February 6, 2024 10:28 am

    Will his family actually start caring and paying attention to him (the omega)? I already hate them and would like to know if I can keep hating them or if they will start to change

    Azi February 6, 2024 10:41 am
    If I remember correctly it just ended with them saying they’re gonna get married there’s no extras kleelei

    they have 4 extra in the novel.

    Azi February 6, 2024 11:51 am
    Will his family actually start caring and paying attention to him (the omega)? I already hate them and would like to know if I can keep hating them or if they will start to change xellaj

    tbh. i hate her a bit but atleast she gave her son a consent in her relationship with the alpha than being a kj.

    she always keep him left behind to take care the sick kid who have a father. mc being a teenager and not sick. she priorities more the other kid than him even though she's aware that's her son become an omega. the mother didn't know whats happening to his child coz mc didn't bring it up so her mother won't worry about him. she only got to know ,when something big happen. when the omega got attack by his disorder on their home(mother's house) ,where she needed to admit the omega son on the hospital. she become caring on him after that. but alpha side of parents and relatives are good to him(Omega) they are welcoming him to their Family especially the alpha's mom

    plinky25 February 10, 2024 2:54 pm

    Sorry but did we read the same novel?? Cause what you said doesn’t really make sense with the stuff I read. I read the novel as well, and in my opinion- it actually took a LONG time for mc to truly fall for the ML. Like near the ending part of the novel he started to like him romantically and realized it. The whole point of the story was the mc wanting to get TEMPORARY marks multiple times throughout the story and also body contact in order to feel better. There was no true forced mark. The permanent TRUE mark was consensual and the MC brought it up first if I remember correctly.

    I think you may be confused since there was a part where the ML was pushy when they were doing a temporary mark. During that time, MC was having issues once again with his allergy. So they had to do the temporary mark in the classroom when everyone was outside. They were in the middle of finishing the mark but a classmate came and tried to get into the classroom after noticing it was locked so mc got worried and told him to stop. ML was pushy and didn’t stop right away but it was MAINLY for MC’s own good or he would be in pain if the temporary mark wasn’t finished. You also forgot to mention that after ML confessed, the mc was worried and thought he was inconsiderate for making the ML do all these favors for him. So he tried avoiding the ML but ML insisted he needed the body contact or else he’d suffer from his allergy. So basically MC was worried for the ML and wanted to stop because ML had feelings for him one-sidedly. And ML was worried for MC because he did all that without thinking of his own pain if chose to avoid him.
    Despite this, ML was very indulgent and almost always agreed to everything the MC asked him to do. No matter how much MC pestered him with his constant requests, he always let him do what he wanted. MC only started noticing and thinking of him romantically way later.

    plinky25 February 10, 2024 2:59 pm

    Anyways the temporary mark you talked about didn’t actually affect his feelings. Even if the mc said he liked girls, there’s tons of BL that always have a straight guy fall for a dude lol. Besides he hasn’t dated a girl since like middle school. The way he fell in love was mostly due to a realization that he already had favorable feelings toward ML. The moment it said he was in love and confessed was when it became very clear to him. When he looked at the ML’s face during a happy and peaceful moment, it’s like a lightbulb went off in his head that he fell for him. His head and heart likely were at different points as his own heart had naturally wanted to be close to the ML (like when MC was drunk, he was really clingy towards ML, claiming ML as his). While his head only noticed now how he naturally felt.

    plinky25 February 10, 2024 3:05 pm

    Oh and I forgot more clarification on the “forced mark you talked about:

    MC was actually the one being stubborn about not wanting to be temporarily marked again due to the belief of getting temp. marked 3 times can affect the feelings of alpha and omega. MC was mainly rejecting it due to worrying about the ML and trying to consider his feelings. When ML was just upset that MC was willing to expose himself to danger due to his stubbornness. So basically MC only didn’t want it because he was thinking of ML and ML only pushed him because he was worried for MC. I believe ML was right because MC was too stubborn despite originally selfishly asking ML to do all sorts of things for him as well as his gallery being so severe.