captious February 4, 2024 10:18 am

I honestly dont get Thea's reaction... Yeah he got inspired by romance novel, but girl he's doing that to try and save your relationship- He's doing an effort and going outside his confort zone, how can you dismiss that so harshly... And whats up with the sister not minding her damn buisness- I get they share a trauma because of their mom, but girl you're seriously going overboard. Thea is an adult she can make her own fucking choices-

    potato soup February 12, 2024 8:43 am

    girls got daddy issues and has had to give up everything for him up to this point, learning he wasnt the one that thought up those words would be hard. itd be different i think if hed changed it a bit but her finding out he said the lines word for word made it seem shallow; it made her feel like he didnt care as much as he actually does and upset her sm because she grew up emotionally neglected, watching her parents failing marriage