The only thing I like about this so far is the art. Dan is just a delusional cumrag for Jae- and though I’d like to see some major character development it’s hard to imagine when we didn’t get much background on our ML. I hate when they hold it until later as if to excuse behavior with a sob story. If anything- fuck the romance. I want the male lead to be a heartless asshole who gets humbled in the end and gets what he deserves. Something new and refreshing. I wanna see Dan glow up… mentally. His granny become healthy or die- either way so he doesn’t rely on money from Jae. So far all Jae is good for is dick and money.

Ahh, look at these kids. They think I’m delusional for reading a comic I like with characters I enjoy. While they’re, apparently, reading a comic they don’t like with characters they hate. Just say that you like the comic! God isn’t here in the comments to judge you. If you’ve stuck with Jinx for this long there is clearly something you like…and it’s probably Jaekung.

One day they will admit this. They always say he is hot and force that ideology on my friends and me as if I consider him hot. And no one has that opinion. One was a rape survivor who hate Jaekyung but after all this BS from these kids who attack the fans who like this story or who they think like this story as they are here each chapter reading this story.
They act worse than Jaekyung as they are attacking real people and are obsessed with it.
Sade... You have the sex experts supporting you .."Also: liking fantasy rape is fine!"
But you do know there is no rape in Jinx, right? Well, besides chapter 44 when Dan was willing to have sex with Jaekyung who could not consent. Jaekyung has not raped Dan when you understand the story, characters, and definitions.
He has sexually abused Dan. There was sexual coercion. And both of them are Sexual assault as rape is considered to be sexual assault too.

To Sade,
"You have the sex experts supporting you " ^
Not to Sade..
TM does block haters and trolls.

Sade please don't remove this. It is good evidence that they can post their gaslighting opinions and mostly without any comments. But when someone from the fandom posts about liking Jaekyung or this story. "DELULU!!" or other ridiculous nonsense. They are making it when the fandom can't post an opinion without being attacked.
The one that called you delulu... https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/14966661/
no comments. They were allowed their opinion. And here also (disturbing) https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/14348108/ They are attacking real people who like this story and no one commented to them.
And here is where was supposed to be their last rant.... https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/14150318/
I will say from reading those comments they are just camping here to attack the fandom or can't admit they like this story.
Sadly, they have to attack you over your opinion.
I have them blocked for being inappropriate. It is just toxic and more toxic than the story is because they are going after real people and not letting them share their opinions but expect to be okay with spewing hate over and over.

"Maybe he is not the one that needs to be humbled." I did say he shouldn't. I was talking about a certain group of people on here. Let's talk about what being humbled means.
"to make someone understand that they are not as important or special as they thought: He was humbled by the child's generosity. The world champion was humbled (= unexpectedly defeated) by an unknown outsider in last night's race"
He may be "humbled" as it is foreshadowing his defeat. But .... He already knows he is not as important as he lets on since he has a drive to be the best he can be and his insecurities are deep-rooted.
For him to be "humbled" will make him relive whatever happened to him. He will have to deal with the emotional baggage he is dealing with.
I would say I want him to deal with the emotional baggage that is causing him to hurt himself and others. That is how you grow as a person and you don't have to be humbled.
To wish someone to be humbled, and I get "What is it meant to be humbled?
1. : not proud or haughty: not arrogant or assertive." and "reflecting, expressing, or offered in a spirit of deference or submission. a humble apology."
Now from the people on this page, it just comes off negative because many want him to be hurt or defeated to be humbled. But his drive is from his insecurities, it was hinted at. His insecurities are deep.
He does need to be modest and respect others. He needs to have personal growth and build stronger relationships with people. He needs to change but how people go about this on this page, it just feels sticky to say it. It is cringe-worthy to desire someone to fall for your own selfish reasons.
I have to consider your point of view and you think Jaekyung is heartless and that goes against the actual story. You think Dan is delusional and just a cumrag both go against the actual story. And "I want the male lead to be a heartless asshole who gets humbled in the end and gets what he deserves."
Now do you see how I describe "To be humble" does not come across in your message? You want him to get what he deserves but what if you are viewing him wrong due to she is purposely trying to get to hate him and you fell for it? Your version of being humbled is not going right or will be helpful. He will just spiral down more. You seem you want the desire for punishment or negative outcomes for him. Which does that make you a good person? I think that desiring him to be hurt makes someone heartless.
I want a positive outcome where he will self-reflect and grow.
It is important to approach people and their situations with empathy and understanding. Since there is not much on his background or his side, you can not make a solid opinion of him.
Regret top is one of the tags. I know he will be humble but I hope it will not be the way most hopes for it. I don't think he will lose his arm or die but it is sick what people are saying which makes them worse than him and they need to be humbled to learn their words are inappropriate.
SO.. A humbled person is Empathy: Humble individuals genuinely care about the feelings and experiences of others. Respectful: They treat everyone with courtesy and respect, regardless of their background or status. Gratitude. Humble people appreciate the blessings and opportunities in their lives and express thanks sincerely.
Some of the ones saying he should be humbled by wishing his defeat, to be hurt or to die How are they humbled? Are you being humble? No. Hoping for something negative how are they humbled and they want someone (a character) to be humbled because they misunderstand him and fall for a facade. More than just Jaekyung should be humbled. What you think comes back to you but tenfold. Character or not. It is still your thinking and words you are putting out there. You desire someone to be humbled and soon you will be humbled. Simply, everything you do creates either a positive or negative consequence. If you are negative, you bring more negative to your life. Your current reality is the result of your past actions. And what you are doing now is creating your future and if you are focusing on someone being humbled negatively what are you bringing into your life? You are calling one character heartless and the other one delusional and a cumrag, none of that is true, what are you bringing into your life by being negative. More negativity and lies in your life. Your screen name is LiE. What are you focused on lies? How many have lied to you in your life? Ultimately, your focus should be on you, not trying to control the people or things around you. Most of the time what happens to you is because of you and your thinking. You are the product of the choices you make. If you focus on higher values like love and peace, then you’re less likely to be distracted by heavy feelings of resentment, greed, or anger. You must give to the things you believe in. From how you write, you are not being humble. The same will just repeat over and over.. but you can create a new future and a better version of yourself, free from the patterns of the past by taking steps to do something differently, more positive to stop the cycle
I was saying many people need to have personal growth and self-reflection here. And no one stops growing. You always have personal growth. I am saying people should approach this with empathy and more understanding than negative outcomes and punishment on others to feel better about themselves.
"Maybe he is not the one that needs to be humbled." Get that now? Being humbled should not come from a negative outcome or punishment. How would you feel?
And no I am not defending him. This is more about you and others who allow negativity and hate to control their lives.

I feel like I wasted time reading your little essay- I don’t need to be humbled, they don’t need to be humbled. If someone is abusive and shitty to people- you can dislike them, hate them. You’re human and don’t have to put of with bullshit just because they may be a better person in the future. Good for you for being the all understanding person the world needs, now understand this: we don’t all dance to the same tune and don’t have to. I gave my opinion on a fictional character. BOOM. If he changes, good? Still, my opinion stands until I have something that changes my opinion otherwise- which isn’t your job. Why do you complain about people getting attacked for having an opinion- but if they show they hate a character (which is their own opinion) you come at us because only your opinion is acceptable? Also trying to personally attacking me over my username? That was funny because it showed how ignorant you are letting your feelings get ahead of you and judging others by just their name. How understanding of you to assume I named myself after some problem in my life when I’ve had this name since 2017- it was the beginning 3 letters of a username for a Roblox account I had at the time and I just decided not to change it. Thank you but again- even if you don’t like it, my opinion stands the same until I get something interesting in the story. Don’t continue this talk, it’s pointless and a waste of time trying to change an opinion just because you don’t agree. That’s why it’s called an opinion.

In my last comment I put time in it thinking it would be a waste of time explaining it so it was for anyone who wants to have a conversation. I gave you a chance. You are here to impose and troll others.
learn what an essay is. And for geniune people, it would not be a waste of time. Id you don't need to be humbled than Jaekyung doesn't because you are being (action) more abuse and toxic than he is. He is a character. He is fake. I am real. One you are lying about and trying to hurt for the truth.
I can dislike people's actions but I will not dislike them or hate them. I would never because it shows I let hate control me. That hate and letting negativity play a significant role in their identity or mindset They are allowing hate to control them to hear their thoughts and actions could have harmful consequences for them and everyone around them. So letting myself hate someone is causing trouble for everyone and including myself. I would be harming my own health. It will affect me if I continue on the path you are encouraging. It will harm others not just me. What are you on about?
"don’t have to put of with bullshit just because they may be a better person in the future."
That is the wrong message. My comments does not incite that. Why are you twisting my words. Oh gaslighting.. a form of abuse.
"we don’t all dance to the same tune and don’t have to."
That was irrelevant.
You did more than give a lame opinion on fictional characters.
Still, my opinion stands until I have something that changes my opinion otherwise- which isn’t your job."
Did you feel threathen?
"Why do you complain about people getting attacked for having an opinion- but if they show they hate a character (which is their own opinion) you come at us because only your opinion is acceptable? "
GASLIGHTING!!! I complain about the attacks on readers which are not opinions or the a character in the book. That was delulu. I don't come at anyone. I call out that behavior. What opinion? I don't express my opinions often. I am not words or a character in the book.
"Also trying to personally attacking me over my username? "
More gaslighting. I never attacked you or your username. I was pointing out something. Lie is a good username for you since you can only lie when faced with the truth.
"That was funny because it showed how ignorant you are letting your feelings get ahead of you and judging others by just their name."
Projecting. That does not fit or correlate with the truth. That is abusive and trolling.
I did not assume anything. Why don't you try again? SO defensive about your "opinion"
how immature of you. Figures you would hide and cower. I never was trying to change your lame nasty opinions. It is not me disagreeing with you, It is the actual story and facts that disagree with you.
Your gaslighting will not change anything but show how abusive you are. What you did was not appropriate but shows you lost.
Ad hominem: in other words, a personal attack, attacking the person instead of attacking the issue. an example of Ad hominem would be, "poisoning the well" which is the direct attack on the trustworthiness of the person making a statement instead of addressing the statement.
Ad hominem refers to attacking the person making the argument rather than addressing the argument itself."
They must not have a very good argument with the imposing and ad hominems.
Thank you for sharing you know you are wrong and lost.
if you have resorted to insults, lies, and gaslighting you know you lost. Sounds like your own comments don't support you in your claim about yourself.

Again, I said what I said and I’m not going to waste any more time on you or whatever you tried to say in the other comment. I think you’re a hypocrite of your own words as well-
So you can eat whatever you just spat out at me because I’m not reading all that. Buh bye- go give yourself a hug and say everything is going to be alright even though you weren’t able to force your opinion successfully on someone today. Or even better- go type up another comment that I’m not going to read. I wish you the best on your path of “understanding”. God bless you little warrior.

when you judge others, you don't define them, you define yourself.
None of my comments here as been my opinion. Please start reading comments instead of falsely accusing others. It makes you look ridiculous and exposes how immature and insecure you are.
And learn definitions. hypocrite: a person who claims or pretends to have certain beliefs about what is right but who behaves in a way that disagrees with those beliefs. the hypocrites who criticize other people for not voting but who don't always vote themselves.
That does not fit me but it describes you to a T. Your false judgement on me is you are talking about yourself.
Fucking love the heartache! It will make them getting together romantically, not just physically, all the better. Shout out to Jaekung, he is a great seme! Good thing he’s fictional and can’t read some of these comments. I mean, we all know what’s gonna happen, right? They’re gonna be madly in love with each other in the end. At least that’s the trend in this genre. The seme being at a narrative low means his story to his narrative high is going to be amazing. I fucking love Jaekung and find his journey interesting. Also: liking fantasy rape is fine! Don’t let the naysayers get to you! They’re hypocrites who are over 40 chapters in. They love everything about this story, including Jaekung.