Don’t stop us nowThe moment of truthWe were born to ship VikturiWe’ll make it happenPlease make it canonCoz we were born to ship Vikturi Misheru-senpai
Haha that's awesome :DThe fanbase is everywhere! There are so many AMVs, Cracks and Vines about those bishies xDHave you heard the Cover version of Caleb Hyles? His voice is awesome! Misheru-senpai
Omg I have and I think i feel in love with his voice like if I had the perfect guy I would add Caleb voice to him and then SUPER PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Omg I have and I think i feel in love with his voice like if I had the perfect guy I would add Caleb voice to him and then SUPER PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Angel of Darkness
Hell yeah! His voice is soo awesome! His Radioactive Cover is my favo ;)
Can you hear my heart scream?
Twelve episodes is never enought
I close my eyes and tell myself
That season 2 will come soon ╥﹏╥