boss employee bl recs

verymuchbored February 4, 2024 12:24 am

i’m looking for more bl’s w the boss employee trope that’s actually good like Cloudburt, Sunday’s consolation, No arguing with Mr. Mo or even Payback if that counts i’m so desperate bc i js read sundays consolation and it really hit hard its so good

    verymuchbored February 4, 2024 12:27 am

    forgot to mention that i’ve read a lot w the actor ceo trope and id rather it be an office worker since those are generally better

    Kriss February 4, 2024 12:31 am

    I can’t wait for season two of Sunday’s Consolation. lol

    Anyway, have you read The New Employee? It’s my favorite workplace BL, tbh.

    verymuchbored February 4, 2024 12:35 am
    I can’t wait for season two of Sunday’s Consolation. lolAnyway, have you read The New Employee? It’s my favorite workplace BL, tbh. Kriss

    I did! omg i lowk forgot abt that one, it was so good!

    Kriss February 4, 2024 12:45 am
    I did! omg i lowk forgot abt that one, it was so good! verymuchbored

    Right? I love it. That was my only boss x employee rec, though. Sorry. If you don’t mind coworkers, Perfect Buddy is pretty good.

    verymuchbored February 4, 2024 12:49 am
    Right? I love it. That was my only boss x employee rec, though. Sorry. If you don’t mind coworkers, Perfect Buddy is pretty good. Kriss

    It’s alright no worries. Thank you anyways!

    Kriss February 4, 2024 12:56 am
    It’s alright no worries. Thank you anyways! verymuchbored

    You’re welcome!