yikes indeed at you, who failed 1st grade reading comprehension... you might wanna re-read chapter 20 again :) even sasya himself states that it's already the third time he's "met up" with that old guy and who knows how many others before him as well
in the same chapter the narration goes on to say there are "certain" rumors surrounding sasya and then proceeds to say that some of which are true :)
honestly why is there someone always doing mental gymnastics in the comments over this exact same thing when it is factual that sasya DID SLEEP with the sponsors on multiple occasions ._.
he wasn't seeing or sleeping with gudin though and he wasn't interested in the life of nobility as the director said but that's not going to refute the fact that he DID NOT get his fame by talent alone

Yikes, there’s always someone doing mental gymnastics themselves and projecting unto those of us who do take the time to read through this story. Let me break it down to you like a kindergartner, meeting up does not equal having sex. Could we repeat that one more time? Meeting up does not equal to having sex with others. Do not take me for someone who has no idea of what I’m talking about, I’ve reread this story many times already as I do enjoy it. There are three premises for these pretty baseless rumors. One being having taken part in sodomy, another being that he dopes up prior to performing and lastly being that he entertains the nobles, and only a portion of them is true. Now let’s analyze that, shall we? Was Sasya not in a 4 year relationship with Karel who just so happens to be a man and with whom he sustained sexual relations with? What is that? Sodomy? Oh.. that’s crazy. Later on in chapter 22 the director, enraged, stated “Sasya, it’s not that hard. I don’t ask you to entertain him like the other dancers do. Just show your face and nod your head at whatever they’re saying!”. During these chapters, after meeting Karel once again, the aristocrats can’t believe he’s desperately throwing himself at a noble because “he’s always hard to get”. Even his fellow ballerina talks about how surprised she is that he’s taking an interest in sponsors, the sponsor in question being Karel. :)
There are many instances stating that he got his position through his own merit and many characters who attest to that including his maid. But I guess we will just skip over all of that because at the end of the day all ukes are worthless sluts according to people who think like you. :) I don’t know if you’re really all caught up with the recent chapters or you’re just perpetually stuck on the earlier chapters but I’d advise you to open your mind a bit so that you can catch what happens in the stories when you read them. Some are meant to have you think something is certain until new details emerge and it turns out it was the complete opposite of that. Such is the art of storytelling. :)

Lmao dude I always love your clapbacks because you always put these grade school dropouts in check! I mean are we even reading the same story coz how the F did they get that Saysa was sleeping with old man to be on top? It alway baffled me when I see them saying these crazy shit in the comments that I had to re read the story at some point coz I thought maybe I was the dumb one

If you can’t take a minute to read my reply to your comment under my topic discussion—which you were not by any means forced to make, much less if you’re not looking to hold a healthy discussion (which you weren’t), then it’s a given that you don't bother to understand the stories you read. You probably like easy reads and that’s why your cognition is severely lacking. Take care :)

is this your first time on the internet? you know that you're posting a public comment and anyone can reply to with whatever they want?
not wanting to have a "healthy discussion" with you does not mean i don't understand this story that has the complexity of a white wall, it just means that i can't be bothered with obvious ignorance
maybe someday we can post pictures in the topics as well cause people like you with "overly developed cognition" only understand things when you underline in red and circle the pictures
also don't kid yourself into thinking this is some James Joyce or Anthony Burgess type of story cause it's been rehashed in korean BL at least 50 times by now, be fr

Girl it’s the condescension for me Imagine talking all that shit just to say that you can’t take a minute to read a reply made to you because you can’t hold actual conversations/discussions lmaooo Idk, it probably comes from laziness, from not really wanting to bother with paying attention to whatever they’re reading. These are the kind of people that need the authors to outright say lines like “X is not a slut, X did not sleep with anyone other than Y”, which is very contradictory because nowhere in the story does it say that Sasya really did sell himself either. It was implied with the mention of the rumors and it keeps being disproven as simply rumors over and over again. They’re the reason some authors are over-explicit and drag their storylines until it becomes dull af. It’s okay, I guess we really are the dumb ones

Lmao exactly! They always resort to “I’m not reading all of that” lol that alone should tell you all you need to know. Just crickets upstairs I mean I’ve been waiting for one person to at least tell us in detail where and who Saysa slept with to get on top but no one has an answer, so it’s like are we just making shit up in our heads? Damn!!
And like you said, I guess they really are waiting for the author to just put it in writing that Sasya never slept with anyone that’s when comprehension will activate.

Fr I didn’t say that bc I’m being lazy and don’t want to go back to reading that chapter (bc I’ve literally reread it about 15 times now bc of these discussions ) or because I need it spelled out to me so I can comprehend anything but because I want to understand how that scene progressed in their heads. But the crickets are kinda indicating that it didn’t progress in their heads at all lmao

I did read their reply, since the one they wrote actually had some basis/proof and were actually explaining. not like yours that were just giving how less your reading comprehension is :').
Im really sorry that you probably couldn't gain the basic knowledge from your school days (or you are in one of those) Ig it would be for better if you can learn to read AND write ~
wishing you all the best! Hwaiting

omg you dumb bitches keep popping out of nowhere ong
how more simpler could it be for your rotten krboo brain to understand that the old guy didn't stop at JUST sucking on sasya's nips in chapter 20??? it's very obvious they fucked you useless waste of oxygen
and i don't want to hear non about school or knowledge from a POTN enjoyer, education has clearly failed you pls don't ever speak in public you're embarrassing

Babes, getting actually upset and throwing insults over an online comment is neither worth it nor a good look.
The thing is that you have no clue what even happened after that, you’re just assuming that they went directly to fucking. If Sasya was a slut based on chapter 20 alone then it wouldn’t have taken 3 whole meetings for him to “sleep” with the old pos. And again, if he was a slut at all the manager would have had no qualms stating it as a matter of fact like he did with the other dancers. He wouldn’t have even suggested Karel to look for an “easier” dancer. I doubt the old pos stopped at merely sucking his nipples but, once again, that doesn’t mean they actually went all the way either. Nor is that singular interaction an indicator of a pattern when many instances/characters disprove that theory.
Even after reading all of the latest chapters and seeing that, once again, the director asserted that Sasya worked hard all on his own to get to where he’s at, I’m 1000% certain those who were hating on Sasya unreasonably will still sustain that he sold himself to nobles for money and fame