Japanese in manhwa

Endless_Suffer February 3, 2024 3:19 am

I know that Koreans have grudges against Japanese, which is reasonable, but it has become frustrating how they potrayed that hatred, making every Japanese in existence the worst human being possible. There are many innocent Koreans who suffered through the war. However, it's a war; of course, there will be suffering, and innocent Japanese suffered too. Moreover, Koreans weren't saints during the war either; they killed thounds of innocent people too.
I'm not telling the Koreans to forgive all the war crimes that the Japanese committed. People need to remember so that the same thing (war) won't happen again. But to actively provoke hostility like that will only push the already unstable political situation in both countries astray. In war, the only ones who will suffer are us, the ordinary citizens.

    Cid February 3, 2024 8:58 am

    So true. Japanese tried to conquer Philippines too and the history about it is so horrible (all wars are) but we don't have grudges against them. Past is past. And some Japanese military men were already dead. Why can't they move on? I don't get it.
    ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Endless_Suffer February 3, 2024 9:49 am
    So true. Japanese tried to conquer Philippines too and the history about it is so horrible (all wars are) but we don't have grudges against them. Past is past. And some Japanese military men were already dead. ... Cid

    Yeah, i mean an important point most people bring out when discussing about this topic is the Japanese sexual assualt against Korean women. While that is indeed a disgusting and unforgivable crime, Koreans did the same too.
    Like i said that how war is. If we really are disgusted by these crime and don't want this to happen again, it best to remain at least civil in these things. Hostility won't makes things better.

    Cid February 3, 2024 12:08 pm
    Yeah, i mean an important point most people bring out when discussing about this topic is the Japanese sexual assualt against Korean women. While that is indeed a disgusting and unforgivable crime, Koreans did ... Endless_Suffer

    They (Japanese) did the same in the Philippines and what worst is they sliced her breasts off. It really is horrible.

    I agree with you. Instead of making things worse let's all work for the better especially in this era like last year where wars happened.

    Let's not do this again. Don't hate. Just love.
    People don't let the hate get the best of you. It will not makes thing better , it will just make it worse.

    Lotus February 3, 2024 7:03 pm
    So true. Japanese tried to conquer Philippines too and the history about it is so horrible (all wars are) but we don't have grudges against them. Past is past. And some Japanese military men were already dead. ... Cid

    Why can't they move on? Because the victims of these war crimes are still very much alive. There are still deniers of these events in Japan's government and the government still doesn't want to pay reparations to victims. You're free to feel however you want, but at the end of the day, Koreans have a right to feel however they want too especially since it's their history.

    Lotus February 3, 2024 7:19 pm

    You mention suffering as a natural part of war, but the thing is that there are still international laws that prohibit the direct harm of civilians. This character that the author made isn't even considered evil (spoiler if you want more info), you could probably sort him in with someone more like the American Shining guild leader. I understand the frustration of stereotypical characters, but anytime this comes up, people go on about how Koreans should feel about it.

    Lotus February 3, 2024 7:33 pm
    You mention suffering as a natural part of war, but the thing is that there are still international laws that prohibit the direct harm of civilians. This character that the author made isn't even considered evi... Lotus

    Not trying to be rude. Like I said, I get it, they're predictable and easy to guess. A lot of them end up cartoonishly evil so I understand not wanting these characters to be that way.

    Ai-Chibi February 3, 2024 9:42 pm
    You mention suffering as a natural part of war, but the thing is that there are still international laws that prohibit the direct harm of civilians. This character that the author made isn't even considered evi... Lotus

    Very true, no one has a right to tell victim how they SHOULD be feeling

    BlackBelliedLotus February 4, 2024 12:03 am
    So true. Japanese tried to conquer Philippines too and the history about it is so horrible (all wars are) but we don't have grudges against them. Past is past. And some Japanese military men were already dead. ... Cid

    nah. as a filo we should sometimes do this as well if you ask me. from what i know japan themselves dont acknowledge the shit they did during the war. they dont teach their people their horrific history. something that happened to people not even a hundred years ago shouldnt just be brushed off by past is past. try telling that to the comfort women during the japanese occupation.

    Cid February 4, 2024 12:40 am

    OMG! This will gonna be a battle of OPINIONS. I already seen a lot down there so stop. We know. But that doesn't mean we will change what we said.

    I have so much to say but we have to stop. We are here to enjoy a story. So lets just enjoy!!!


    kijoo February 4, 2024 1:05 am

    "it's a war" there are rules, especially for war. I hate mfers who keep excusing japan just bc yall keep underestimating their atrocities. Atrocities that they NEVER apologized for btw. That's why there's anomosity between Jpn and Korea, bc Korea asked Japan to apologize and they never did. "Oh but the Philippines-" I'm Filipino and the reason why we dont hold as much animosity is bc we have a lot of problems internally as is and we simply dont have the time to think about fckass japan but that doesnt mean their atrocities and what they did should just get excused like that. You can't tell victims how to handle their pain. Especially when Japan literally wont do even just a SIMPLE APOLOGY for what they did. Yall ate up that Japan uwu rebrand too much that yall over here literally demeaning just how terrible they are.

    kijoo February 4, 2024 1:06 am
    "it's a war" there are rules, especially for war. I hate mfers who keep excusing japan just bc yall keep underestimating their atrocities. Atrocities that they NEVER apologized for btw. That's why there's anomo... kijoo

    + like tbh, Japan isnt hated enough for all that they did.

    Endless_Suffer February 4, 2024 3:19 pm
    Why can't they move on? Because the victims of these war crimes are still very much alive. There are still deniers of these events in Japan's government and the government still doesn't want to pay reparations ... Lotus

    Yeah they shouldn't move on, forget or forgive but they should also fight more wisely. Making most JP character in their comic is not that. I fully agree on bring justice to the Korean people. However this cartoonis way of showing their haterd just make a lot of people downplay their pain. There are a lot more issue with this method too.

    kijoo February 4, 2024 3:36 pm
    Yeah they shouldn't move on, forget or forgive but they should also fight more wisely. Making most JP character in their comic is not that. I fully agree on bring justice to the Korean people. However this cart... Endless_Suffer

    They're not even making them as evil as yall think they are. The most they're doing is going "oh korea is a powerhouse, we have rivals and our main one is japan" like they're just portrayed as rivals at most. Like that's literally the LEAST HARMFUL THING THEY CAN DO. They do the same thing to the US sometimes. I really need yall to stop dickriding japan bc being a rival is like literally the least they can be after the sht they did. Again, u cant fault victims to how they portray people who have done them and their country harm. They're not even villains, just rivals! Like i know a lot of weebs love japan but stop fcking telling the victims of their atrocities what to do. "Pick your fights" this isnt even much of fight and it does nothing to harm japan's actual reputation btw. God i hate when people try to uwufy colonizers.

    kijoo February 4, 2024 3:40 pm
    They're not even making them as evil as yall think they are. The most they're doing is going "oh korea is a powerhouse, we have rivals and our main one is japan" like they're just portrayed as rivals at most. L... kijoo

    Mfers too busy victim blaming that yall just keep ignoring the fact that korea disliking japan is BECAUSE of japan's actions to this day. Mfers cant even apologize to their victims and they keep censoring their own atrocities to their own citizens too. That's why most japanese people dont know just how terrible japan was as colonizers. That's also why most of them don't understand why korea and japan keep butting heads. Korea constantly tries to make Japan apologize for all their crimes and Japan keeps saying No. Japan wont acknowledge and wont apologize for their actions, them being less powerful rivals in a manhwa is the least they can be.

    kijoo February 4, 2024 3:43 pm

    Masyado nyong pinapahalata na di kayo galing sa bansang nacolonize eh. Imagine telling the victims na, hwag mong ganyanin yung nagabuso and nanakit sayo tapos yung "action" is some shallowass weakass hindi naman ganun ka impactful na portrayal. Yall keep acting as if the author is going around saying "JAPAN IS THE ULTIMATE EVIL" when all they're doing is making them rivals.

    kijoo February 4, 2024 3:46 pm
    Masyado nyong pinapahalata na di kayo galing sa bansang nacolonize eh. Imagine telling the victims na, hwag mong ganyanin yung nagabuso and nanakit sayo tapos yung "action" is some shallowass weakass hindi nama... kijoo

    So again, stop uwufying japan. They're not as powerless nor were they ever victims to need mfers that know nothing to "defend" them. Maybe if they'd apologized properly, korea wouldnt dislike them so much. They cant even let korea celebrate their freedom sometimes bc they'd blast and harrass celebrities for celebrating korean liberation

    kijoo February 4, 2024 3:48 pm
    So again, stop uwufying japan. They're not as powerless nor were they ever victims to need mfers that know nothing to "defend" them. Maybe if they'd apologized properly, korea wouldnt dislike them so much. They... kijoo

    Like tbh, as a filipino, i understand why my country cant actively dislike japan as much as korea does, bc tbh again, we have too many internal problems (na effect din ng history of colonization namin) but i'd rather korea keep reminding everyone that japan was one of the most heinous colonizers around than have people just completely forget bc of their whole uwu anime rebrand.

    Endless_Suffer February 4, 2024 5:56 pm
    So again, stop uwufying japan. They're not as powerless nor were they ever victims to need mfers that know nothing to "defend" them. Maybe if they'd apologized properly, korea wouldnt dislike them so much. They... kijoo

    You are bringing up a lot of unrelated points. answers implies i was "uwufying" JP. While it is true, that what you said relate to this topic, it wasn't mentioned in my replies at all.
    Futhermore, i don't even like JP. You are right abt people defending and beautifying JP too much. I don't like that too but this is about how unnecessary it is for a lot of Korean comics to bring real world politics into their stories as it create a lot of conflicts. That is clearly what happening right now, so i would like to stop discussing with you.
    In another note, i appreciate that your intention was good. However, the way you express yourself will makes people see you and people who hold the same opinion in a negative light. You makes good points but making assumptions about the people you argue about is not great as it can be used against you.

    Ai-Chibi February 4, 2024 6:49 pm
    You are bringing up a lot of unrelated points. answers implies i was "uwufying" JP. While it is true, that what you said relate to this topic, it wasn't mentioned in my replies at all. Futhermore, i don't even... Endless_Suffer

    Agree, unrelated but, I'm wondering what Solo Leveling anime will do with the japanese arc since it does paint them in a very bad light and the anime is made in Japan.

    kijoo February 4, 2024 8:52 pm
    You are bringing up a lot of unrelated points. answers implies i was "uwufying" JP. While it is true, that what you said relate to this topic, it wasn't mentioned in my replies at all. Futhermore, i don't even... Endless_Suffer

    "unrelated" it's related to the fact that most of yall keep undermining what japan did and keep dictating how the victims should feel. It's not unrelated, you're just proving my point that yall know absolutely nothing but still love to keep yapping. If you had known better, you wouldve just sat there and understood why the victims would somehow paint their oppressors as a rival. Yall literally defending japan even tho they're just being painted as rivals the same way china and the us have been painted as rivals means that yall dickriding them too much which also relates to the fact that yall eating up their rebrand bc imagine telling the victims what to do. It's not unrelated, you're just ignorant and cany understand correlations.