Novel recomendation

Mavikelebek February 2, 2024 8:29 pm

Do you have any novel recommendation like "Turning" ? I want to read a novel that has sophisticated plot line , romance , good chrachter depth and good world built. I read a lot of romance ones but after "Turning" they all seem a bit shallow. They can be straight or not , doesnt matter. What matters is it shouldnt contain a lot of stupid chrachters and obvious plot line. (And no harem please) Thank you in advance

    Skoopy February 2, 2024 8:33 pm

    The divine comedy

    (I just saw the word novel I didn’t read any of your comment)

    Mavikelebek February 4, 2024 7:34 pm

    After your comment i binge read it ! Whenever i had time o read it and finished in 2 days. It was SO good. My mind was bit f'xxx by all the paradoxes but i overall understand everything . Plot was good , chrachters was good romance was good. THANKS A LOTT. Do you have simılar recommendations?