
Right I don’t feel that he actually love him
It’s more like he get used to have him in his life and sleep with him that’s all..
his confession doesn’t seem sincere to me
And then he tell him that he’s not over his ex still . I hate his kind of character Wataru deserve a better man
And he was so sure of himself that he will wait for three weeks until his job hunting finish and then he will tell him that you want to date.. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
Maybe it’s the soma’s overly laidback/aloofness in his personality n approach to certain things or the fact that he hasn’t really gotten over his ex or combo of all those things that makes me feel there’s a lack of sincerity to his confessions of I love yous… and it’s pissing me off lmaoooo. My heart goes out to Wataru coz Can’t STAND nonchalant men and this one’s got it written all over his face literally and figuratively. Like babes where’s the passion? A lil shed of tear? Some blushing perhaps or Even a umm ihello did i do something to hurt you would be nice. In real life or not I need my men DESPERATE and gasping for air by the time they reach 3 week point of not seeing me not flirting with a girl who had the hots for him.
ANYWAYS I found the story entertaining and fresh. Liked how it had a little substance to it and how it was seemingly “realistic” (not for meeee thooo don’t waste my energy on this type of shit MWAH! xx)