time is gold

YunoGasai February 1, 2024 3:26 pm

im hoping jermel would get stuck on a time loop where he was a kid since he wanted to back so much of that time he was not chosen, and but why jermel seem to remember ? did he also regress?

im disappointed with judith, with all of what is happening, and the dreams of princess olga, from that point on she could have tell them what she knows? instead of telling violet? right? but it is also given that she did not care about anyone or anything in her past life so she doesn't know what will be the result of her action? and adyssa said that stigma cannot be use without thinking something like that?

i just rushed reading and jermel can steal their stigma? or does it have a limit or condition?, like he's wouldnt able to handle multiple if he does have more?,

is the only reason why this is happening is because the king do not care about his children, or he only wants olga? and the others dont matter?

but more importantly that deschamp is alive, i thought im going to see his badass moment but they have to make jermel too powerful,

i hope we can see more of Sen, Callipa, im dying to see who can beat jermel, who will be the new emperor and how will mc use her stigma

if anyone can give me spoilers i would like to thank you in advance (⌒▽⌒)
