This is really true. these characters are more than just their sexuality, they feel three-dimensional and have proper character development. You can empathize with them due of their experience, suffering, and growth rather than their sexuality. Even if they weren't gay, these are still great characters.
( but we still not getting that movie, mappa better give Yuri on ice to other studio T^T)

Like being gay is not enough to make a good character, these modern bl webtoons rely too heavily on their characters' sexuality without trying to create a meaningful plot because they know it will sell. Being straight is a form of sexuality, is a straight character a good character simply because they are straight? (NO!!!)

Oh.. well, why do you hate on an entire group of people. I’m sure you understand that not all gay men are the same. That’s just unfair that you wish for all of them to burn, people that you’ve never even met before who all they want to do is love who they want to love. I’m not saying what you went through should be kept silent about of course and you have all right to be angry about it and angry at those men you fear. I’m just confused why you don’t ONLY hate them and wish death upon them instead of wishing death upon all gay men.
I’ve been through a lot of shit with a lot of shitty guys and I’ve probably only met as many as I could count on my hand that I trust are good people and yet I don’t hate men I have faith I’ll find an actual good one one day. They just all seem to be shitty so far, but I know an actual normal fucking Joe will exist. I just hate their actions and their way of thinking I don’t hate on the person.
If you dont feel like answering that’s fine don’t reply this is just for my own curiosity also sorry if it’s an incoherent or over sharing msg I haven’t slept

I just need to use the power of anonymity to let it out. I don't expect yall to understand, as I also don't owe yall an explanation, but I can't let it go. It wasn't sexually related though.Anyway I don't spread my phobia of gay guys in real life. ( I still want gay men to burn, that's not satire, and I wasn't homophobe before but.. yeah shit happens)
I’m i the only one that thinks Yaoi genre is going downhill ever since the rise of manhwa. Nowadays, the only mangas that get updated on this websites are manhwa and they all have the same sh+ *tty storyline which revolves around rape and Stockholm syndrome. Can people bring back Japanese mangas, WE ARE TIREDDDD of different authors doing the exact same storyline