I like Shinpei now but that's not the point here

Natuchipss January 30, 2024 4:04 am

The bodyguard is a backstabbing bitch, because he has to admit that the reason he so much hates the idea is /not/ because his grand duty and being a servant of the Kirigaya household. No, he hates the idea because he desires her, he wants her, but he is a servant, a bodyguard and so he doesn't have the status to dare look at her in that way.

But there she is, saying she loves an assassin, an orphaned man raised by prostitutes, and with not background at all.

You can say all you want about Shinpei and his obsession with Satoko but you can see he'll do anything and everything for her. He'd probably kill himself if Satoko has to get married with another man...after maybe suggesting a double suicide, or trying to kill the other man but not my point ( ̄∇ ̄") because doing all that would make Satoko hate him and he would pretty much prefer dying than she hating him (basing all this in pretty much my analysis and opinion lol).

This bitch of a bodyguard doesn't care. He just doesn't. The only reason he'd put up with Satoko marrying someone else is if that man is from high status. Then he can say "yeah, that's how it is, i had these feelings but she'd never notice me bcs i'm not worthy". To make himself feel better. That's all there is to him.

So when Shinpei comes into the picture he can't help but being a bitch, bcs he's getting what he wants, when Shinpei is supposed to be nothing but trash.

Inferiority complex, pettiness at not being chosen, the list can go on.
