he looks so much like mads mikkelsen!!! πŸ’—

gogogopoe January 30, 2024 1:03 am

he looks so much like mads mikkelsen!!!

    EHH A LA VERGA January 30, 2024 4:22 am

    I'm sorry I just had to come and comment that NO HE DOESN'T (β•―Β°Π” Β°)╯╧╧ THAT'S OLD MAN BIAS sorry for screaming my mind wouldn't shut up until I said it, anyways have a manga where I think the seme looks closer to Mads in exchange


    gogogopoe January 30, 2024 9:45 am
    I'm sorry I just had to come and comment that NO HE DOESN'T (β•―Β°Π” Β°)╯╧╧ THAT'S OLD MAN BIAS sorry for screaming my mind wouldn't shut up until I said it, anyways have a manga where I think the seme lo... EHH A LA VERGA

    Thanks for the recommendation! Hishimoto kind of resembles Martin due to glasses, but in your recommendation the character gives more of a mysterious vibe like most of Mads' other roles! I'll definitely read it (βŒ’β–½βŒ’)