
Geek Goddess January 29, 2024 11:32 pm

So....I agree with everyone. This chapter was rushed. When they confronted her and told her Felix would marry Alicia, I was hoping Ophelia would thanked them, stand up and walk away. Never speak to them again. Especially Felix. They had a beautiful time with Io in the garden and then next thing you know, he invites Ophelia to a tea party with all of them to tell her that they were done. I know in these stories, the Prince usually says it in front of more people than this, but I dont know....what he did and how he did it still rubbed me the wrong way.

And when if or when Io came running through with the flowers and Felix so-called "snapped" out of it, let him run after her but she ignores him and all the rest. Let him have Alicia and let all of them go off into the night and fight butterflies all they won't and go to Hell

Ophelia shouldn't even feel jack sh*t for the friends bc according to what we read, she hasn't spent hardly that much time with them. Felix....I can understand her feeling hurt. But let Alicia have him. Honestly, I would go to another Kingdom if I were her...if she was able to...and settle down there. That country and those so-called friends, Alicia, and the Prince can all be damned.

    Likalik February 29, 2024 8:42 pm

    Yeah, I agree. She's too selfishless. I think it'd be great if she was less forgiving and kinda more brutal. I don't care about the setting of the game - if their feelings can change like a snap from some flowers blooming, idc, I'd just leave them be. Who knows when they'll change again, it just feels fake. All their feelings are fake.
    I'm hurt for Ophelia. And I'd abandon them too.

    MelloOtaku March 1, 2024 2:46 am

    That's the kind of ending I was hoping for

    Geek Goddess March 1, 2024 4:31 am
    Yeah, I agree. She's too selfishless. I think it'd be great if she was less forgiving and kinda more brutal. I don't care about the setting of the game - if their feelings can change like a snap from some flowe... Likalik

    So FAKE. I agree. Whwn people's feelings change quickly like that, it's called being wishy washy. Well, they can wish and wash by their damn selves. A lotta times when these manga/manhwas take a turn like this one, I want the MC to just walk away and completely wash her hands of them and ignore them from then on out as if they all never existed. She doesn't even need to be mean about it. You can't be pissy with someone who doesn't exist. The Heroine can have her 4 or 5 men and they can f*ck out and have their little f*cked up relationship. You can't even call it Poly. Just call it f*cked up and weird.

    Geek Goddess March 1, 2024 4:31 am
    That's the kind of ending I was hoping for MelloOtaku

    And I CERTAINLY wouldn't have minded it AT ALL.