Psychotic homophobic ML that wants to force MC to be ‘normal’

lokifa January 29, 2024 10:40 am

That’s wilddddd. I always see stories where a homophobic ML is so possessive that he wants the MC to himself while destroying everything he loves, but this is the first time I’ve seen an ML that literally wants to force the MC into a “perfect life” in order to protect him forever, wanting him to marry a woman that’s “perfect for him” and have children, whom he’ll also take care of as his niece or nephew- he’s so obsessed but can’t even picture himself as being the one to provide the MC with happiness.

He needs therapy, both of them do but the ML especially. MC seems to be realizing something is deeply fucked up about the ML, but he’s so emotionally broken and mild mannered that he’s definitely gonna be swept away by all of it. Poor dude.

It’ll be great if the blonde hyung and his partner can make the MC further realize how fucked up his friend is, and finally make the MC realise he needs to make better decisions for himself.

    AggressiveOwl~ January 30, 2024 6:49 am

    the comment I'm looking for.