What does gap moe mean?

Tweedle dumb January 29, 2024 10:29 am

What does gap moe mean?

    Bear January 29, 2024 10:34 am

    Someone who looks intimidating at first glance but when you get to know them, they are pretty darn friendly. Basically a gap between a person's outer appearance and their personality.

    sexysleeper January 29, 2024 10:51 am

    AAA i meant to upvote kajsjaka TT

    Tweedle dumb January 29, 2024 11:01 am
    Someone who looks intimidating at first glance but when you get to know them, they are pretty darn friendly. Basically a gap between a person's outer appearance and their personality. Bear

    Ohhh i see thank u for the explanation^^

    Tweedle dumb January 29, 2024 11:01 am
    AAA i meant to upvote kajsjaka TT sexysleeper

    It's ok lolol

    lyreath January 29, 2024 11:10 am

    gap moe doesn't always have to be someone imitating at first glance btw!!

    Bear January 29, 2024 11:19 am
    gap moe doesn't always have to be someone imitating at first glance btw!! lyreath

    Yeah! Just a polarizing gap in personality :D

    Tweedle dumb January 29, 2024 11:28 am

    Yall have recs on those tropes?? Now i need it lololol

    Bear January 29, 2024 11:35 am
    Yall have recs on those tropes?? Now i need it lololol Tweedle dumb

    I haven't read many with this trope but this comes close and it's decent imo. You can try it out

    Bear January 29, 2024 11:37 am
    Yall have recs on those tropes?? Now i need it lololol Tweedle dumb

    Oh and I dunno if this is gap moe per se, but it's a nice read lol. It's kinda along those lines.

    Bear January 29, 2024 11:39 am
    Yall have recs on those tropes?? Now i need it lololol Tweedle dumb

    Sorry if you are getting too many notifs but I keep remembering more and more of these right after I post a reply This one is 100% gap moe. 10/10 good read.

    Takumi January 29, 2024 4:09 pm

    Basically when a person's appearance or perceived personality does not match their actual personalities or taste in things. For example, a very huge, buff guy liking Sanrio or something. Of course there's nothing weird about that! But kinda unexpected right? That gap in looks and their likes/personality is gap moe! Hence why people find that unexpected side cute.

    Tweedle dumb January 29, 2024 7:52 pm
    Sorry if you are getting too many notifs but I keep remembering more and more of these right after I post a reply This one is 100% gap moe. 10/10 good read. https://www.mangago.me/read-manga/mr_villain_s_day_o... Bear

    Lol I don't mind the notifs it's totally fine pls keep recommending more~~

    Tweedle dumb January 29, 2024 7:54 pm
    Basically when a person's appearance or perceived personality does not match their actual personalities or taste in things. For example, a very huge, buff guy liking Sanrio or something. Of course there's nothi... Takumi

    It's definitely cute tho~ does it still count if a for example when a usually happy go lucky charac turns out to be cold n quiet charac?

    Takumi January 29, 2024 8:48 pm
    It's definitely cute tho~ does it still count if a for example when a usually happy go lucky charac turns out to be cold n quiet charac? Tweedle dumb

    No. It would just be called Gap if that was the case. Moe is a used to refer to "cute" things! So "gap moe" means the gap between a person's appearance and personality is cute!

    Tweedle dumb January 29, 2024 8:54 pm
    No. It would just be called Gap if that was the case. Moe is a used to refer to "cute" things! So "gap moe" means the gap between a person's appearance and personality is cute! Takumi

    I see! Thank u for the info!

    Takumi January 29, 2024 10:56 pm
    I see! Thank u for the info! Tweedle dumb

    You're welcome! Happy I could help

    Bear January 30, 2024 1:39 am
    Lol I don't mind the notifs it's totally fine pls keep recommending more~~ Tweedle dumb

    Those were all I had for now. I hope you enjoy them! 'mr. villain's day off' is definitely on top of my list for gap moe though :))