manhwa authors have a hard on for borderline rape like idk one single reader who enjoys these scenes. also the art sucks its very generic n facial expressions r repetitive!
How is this rape? Tf? To yall everything is rape Jctrippin
How is it not??? He keeps asking him to stop or slow down and the top is doing it anyways. Bottom guy is clearly distraught. This IS factually rape, and I'm scared for any future partner you may have if you can't see that
How is this rape? Tf? To yall everything is rape Jctrippin
hes manipulating him the dude had only like one other friend in his life n hes telling him this is the way to get closer to each other plus the dude was super drunk when they started
manhwa authors have a hard on for borderline rape like idk one single reader who enjoys these scenes. also the art sucks its very generic n facial expressions r repetitive!