Tifale January 29, 2024 4:12 am

I don't really write "reviews" or my long thoughts on pirate sites like this. Ultimately, it doesn't matter. Since I'm reading illegally. But I just have to write a little something. I don't think this ending was earned. I think the author had too many ideas and themes in their head. While also slightly chasing trends within Korean BL. Jooin and Yahwi's could have been it's own thing. Jooin and Cain could have been it's own thing. But them both together jumbled both. It seems the author wanted to make more mature "adult" love triangle. But with conflict themes and dynamics it all got lost in the sauce. I've read a few other media that have the MC break away from their love interests in order to self actualize. But this one lacked the proper vibe, maturity, and nuances to make it come together. I don't hate this story as some seem to do. But I do think it got too lost in its own self to be great.

    GODZILLA January 29, 2024 11:11 pm

    You drop this QUEEN/KING