the shortened version of redemption arc theory

elvenassassin January 28, 2024 8:03 pm

hey.. after mangago not posting the actual theory, i wrote a shortened version as a reply to a user so why not post it like this too??

To briefly explain it, I basically dived into how JK's mind works and how he makes decisions and such. He usually makes decisions and does stuff for people for his own benefit. He is not thoughtful or considerate, he is just a pragmatic man. He would never put himself in an inconvenient position because he has the power not to do it, and I also think it has to do with his upbringing too. I think he is from a rich, well-off family with maids and such. And he probably learned how to treat them from his mother/father. Since he pays his employees handsomely, exploits them all to the end and thinks it is normal, and they should just keep up with it. I also think he comes from a rich family because of his lifestyle. Yes, successful sportsmen make a lot, but this is more than that. He owns a penthouse, has multiple sports-cars and many designer outfits that can't be counted. He gets tons of sponsorships but I still don't think it is enough to help his extravagant lifestyle. Since he is from a well off family, I don't think he had any hardships financially, and because of this he takes most things he get for granted. And because of his nasty personality, he has failed or refrained from forming intimate relationships with other people. His wealth is the reason why he is emotionally unintelligent. He knows he can buy almost anything with money: cars, houses, people's loyalty... but not health, in most cases anyway. Thats probably why he is extra strict with his body. But with health he misses a point, he can't deduce when his body is going to give out. And his body is about to reach its breaking point. He is aware, that's why he is more strict than ever; but he has a terrible way of dealing with it. He disregards his doctors' advices for what? Because the advices inconvenience him. He does not want to take days off, he wants to continue working out and fighting. He will push himself to the very limit, until his body visibly gives up. That is when the redemption arc will slowly take place. I don't think it will happen because of Kim Dan leaving to grieve his grandmother. JK will stay the same, and continue to exploit others for his own needs. JK needs something to happen to himself for him to redeem himself to not only Kim Dan, but to his other employees as well. I think he will undergo surgery, which will require him to stop fighting for 6 months or so. After the surgery, he probably won't listen to the doctors and try to work out but he physically wouldn't be able to do it. After these, he'd probably take his frustrations out on his employees. And since he isn't fighting, the others have no reason to stay by his side so they'd leave, one by one. I think Kim Dan might leave at some point, either because of the things he has gone through or his grandmother's death. After these, JK would be left alone to think about what he has done. He'd contemplate if all he did was for nothing, not seeing the end of the tunnel etc. Basically questioning his existence. After some thought, he'd require Kim Dan's help for physical therapy. Kim Dan will accept out of pity or any other reason, but sole reason for his agreement won't be his feelings towards him or money. So now, the roles would be switched. Kim Dan is keeping it strictly professional while JK tries to learn more and more about Kim Dan. He also thinks he can use physical therapy as an opportunity to reconcile but Kim Dan won't allow it easily. He will thoroughly examine his behavior and make a decision based on that.

    elvenassassin January 28, 2024 9:40 pm

    In the best case scenario, JK fully heals because he listens to Kim Dan's instructions. JK is more tolerant because he finally gains awareness on how things he has can come and go easily. After, shortly, parting ways with JK, Kim Dan would focus on healing himself and gaining some self-respect. After losing granny, he'd become less of a people pleaser. After both heal, they live happily ever after voilaa