WOOHOO CHAP- what the fuck.

SleepyLuu January 28, 2024 2:07 pm

DID JUNGWON LITERALLY JUST WASTE THAT OPPORTUNITY TO FUCKING LEAVEE?? i would noy too considering my family, he must rlly love his family and respects to that, jungwon (i think) really wants to leave but he wants to keep his family safe AND for me i think thats adorable ╥﹏╥ for esther though................. DID HE FUCKIGN BLIND THE GARDENER. DID HE UH...DID HE DINGIDONGED THE GARDENERS EYE(man idfk what he is...) AND FOR WHAT REASON??? i feel bad for the gardener and he was kind enough to give jungwon the key but like howd he even get it ??????????? is my question like wtf??? Nonetheless i think esther was joking when he said "i was kidding abt murdering ur family" QLRIGHT LIL SHIT as if we'd believe that ive read too many toxic shit to know YOU would actually murder his whole family and laugh in the midst of it AND AND tell jungwon "i told you not to leave me." While u have blood on ur hands/face and jungwon would be fu king traumatized

    Baka_07 January 28, 2024 2:25 pm

    It was not the new gardener that came in, it was the one who punished jungwon when he accidentally hurt (kid)Esther.

    Kuya January 28, 2024 2:28 pm

    Correction: The person who was blinded (Not exactly blinded but close enough) wasn't the other gardener. It was the guy who was punishing Jungwon and ended up getting sliced in the eye by Esther.

    Other than that I totally agree with you like why tf didn't he leave??

    SleepyLuu January 28, 2024 2:43 pm
    It was not the new gardener that came in, it was the one who punished jungwon when he accidentally hurt (kid)Esther. Baka_07


    SleepyLuu January 28, 2024 2:43 pm
    Correction: The person who was blinded (Not exactly blinded but close enough) wasn't the other gardener. It was the guy who was punishing Jungwon and ended up getting sliced in the eye by Esther.Other than that... Kuya