There we are -- humans -- quick to turn our backs, judge and spare no time to be cruel to someone. It's Ren, Wayne and the dog... against the (homophobic) world! The world do not deserve you Ren (no, he's not dead). Stay, gold!
Art is (*u*)!!! As a sucker for golden hour, you got me in the first page.
Mr poopybutthole I couldn’t go back I just had to accept it. Also it’s hilarious that I found you immediately after. The poopybutthole is too strong it’s pulling me in.
Mr poopybutthole I couldn’t go back I just had to accept it. Also it’s hilarious that I found you immediately after. The poopybutthole is too strong it’s pulling me in. Skoopy
There we are -- humans -- quick to turn our backs, judge and spare no time to be cruel to someone. It's Ren, Wayne and the dog... against the (homophobic) world! The world do not deserve you Ren (no, he's not dead). Stay, gold!
Art is (*u*)!!! As a sucker for golden hour, you got me in the first page.