Are we all reading the same manga?

nightwave January 27, 2024 4:48 pm

Miho is not a bad person, but you just don't run away from someone without hearing their side unless you're in danger. He's insecure, sure, but that's not an excuse for ghosting a friend whose side you refused to listen to.
"Hiroya said 'sorry' twice", yes, it could be "sorry for kissing you without your consent" or "sorry for doing it so suddenly. Again, no matter how insecure you are, they already at an age where they're supposed to face these issues directly. Hiroya was about to address what happened and Miho interrupted him just because he was scared of hearing something he didn't like. You just don't act like that when you're a grown adult, he needed to hear Hiroya out and either start a relationship and grow together, or cut ties with him if it Hiroya was just playing.
Being shy and insecure is not a good excuse for avoiding your problems head on, there's no way you can cultivate meaningful relationships like that.
But again, most people on this site are younger than 25...

    nightwave January 27, 2024 4:57 pm

    I legit had to start reading the whole thing again because nowhere did Hiroya implied the kisses were a joke, and the second time he got piss drunk and even puked, did no one here think that he could've been sorry FOR THAT?

    spagetiii January 27, 2024 5:01 pm

    You do realize that ml was the first one to fck this up. I mean sure, we don't know if ml contacted mc after graduation to atleast explain himself saying sorry after a kiss. Additionally to that, ml kissed mc again after being drunk and just downright said sorry. AGAIN. If you are saying Miho should be a grown man and face his fears then why couldn't Hiroya as well??? Sure mc was scared and could not face his fears but Hiroya just did the same. He knew the mistake he made at graduation but (drumrolls) he did it again!!! And now he is doing the victim card which is idk fine??? but still he is also running away from the consequences of his actions (kissing mc AND saying sorry -- emphasize on and) Now who is at fault here.

    nightwave January 27, 2024 5:05 pm
    You do realize that ml was the first one to fck this up. I mean sure, we don't know if ml contacted mc after graduation to atleast explain himself saying sorry after a kiss. Additionally to that, ml kissed mc a... spagetiii

    On the first time, Hiroya called Miho and he kept running, plus deleted his contact afterwards. On the second time, he interrupted Hiroya when he was about to addressed what happened that night.
    Hiroya should've still insisted and explain instead of just letting it go, but the hate he gets is undeserved. Neither of them are saints here but I don't get why they're hating on one way more than the other.
    And again, he was drunk and inconvenienced Miho big time, shouldn't he be sorry for that? As someone who used to be like Miho, I know that people shouldn't be walking on eggshells to prevent me from misunderstanding something or AT LEAST they should explain what they meant, which is what Hiroya tried to do later.
    He should've insisted and it was wrong of him not to do so, but cmon.

    nanassi January 27, 2024 9:56 pm

    omg someone with actual brains in this comment section?

    nightwave January 28, 2024 1:11 am

    Lmao sweet Jesus look at all those typos

    nightwave January 28, 2024 1:18 am
    omg someone with actual brains in this comment section? nanassi

    It's insane but I guess younger me would've been 100% on Miho's side and also angry at Hiroya, so I hope someone learns something new or at least keeps their mind open.
    They say Hiroya shouldn't have said "sorry" because he should've "learned from that mistake" but "sorry" is such a generic word, and the second time it wasn't automatically after the kiss. I used to overthink everything and I'm still a fairly insecure person, but I communicate with my partner and my friends, I ask them what they meant so I'm not harbouring doubts all by myself and arriving to the wrong conclusions, I try not to think the worst from people who demonstrated me every day that they love me and cared about me. Miho is a grown adult, a divorced man at that, so he's old enough to confront his issues instead of running from them. Hiroya is also now an adult who should put his foot down and explain himself even though Miho refuses, but I believe he's the one who's least in the wrong. He never took the kisses as a joke, I don't know what these people are on about.
    I hope they can have meaningful relationships in the future where their loved ones don't have to be careful of every little thing they say.

    nightwave January 28, 2024 1:23 am

    OH, and Hiroya shouldn't also decide to leave by himself instead of talking to Miho. I'd also feel like it's useless to talk to someone who ran away from me twice, but leaving without clearing things up first? Not mature either.
    They're both wrong but they can work it out. It's not like every miscommunication means the relationship needs to end, people
    Miho now took a great step and actually communicated so of course a couple like that could work in real life. Finding each other in your late 20s to early 30s is even better because that relationship has a higher possibility to last.

    Kaaayyy January 31, 2024 11:45 am

    Reading your comment was a joy to my eyes. Ngl I empathise with Miho since it's difficult communicating esp when you have a fear rejection but him not letting Hiroya speak along with his overthinking made me feel bad for Hiroya (not saying he's a saint but mans has tried and was getting nowhere). it seemed ironic in a sense too, Miho being insecure then turning courageous while Hiroya usually more social and outspoken then turning more afraid. It's quite a realistic representation of love, self love, and accepting the importance of communication regardless of what is to be heard, in my opinion