Don’t know why

plinky25 January 27, 2024 7:02 am

The comments are pretty harsh ngl. I’m convinced the readers who are commenting are actually the dumb ones themselves for not understanding her character lmao. Novel spoilers say otherwise as she’s actually smart and resolves many issues quickly to the point she could be having no issues at all. You might be mistaking her “dumbness” for not knowing much about humans or social stuff. Which makes sense since she was basically a bird and only knew of her own customs. It wouldn’t make sense to call her dumb for not knowing the world of humans as she went to their world for the very first time lmao. It’s like someone going to a different country and barely knowing anything about the place or people- would you call that person dumb for not automatically being informed on everything?

Like the lack of logic of y’all readers who call her dumb- amazes me. Y’all saying “she should do this! Just do this! It should be obvious?!” No. She’s a BIRD/ANGEL who was mainly alone other than training and JUST ENTERED THE HUMAN WORLD FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HER LIFE. She was not given any information on how to act, how the human world works, etc. She’s basically going by her instincts. Literally just look when she thought of finding a mate, the process is completely different from humans. Y’all are literally calling her dumb for not knowing how to think like a human. Y’all got way too comfortable with the inhuman genius FLs in other stories who can magically know everything.

Anyways onto a few spoilers:
Seems like the story is surprisingly merciless in punishing the enemies lmao, as well as the fact that FL makes it a point to return the same bad treatment to them. The story seems pretty interesting according to the spoilers.

    SnowBunnyFujoshi January 27, 2024 11:29 am

    Exactly, this is why I no longer rely on comments to judge whether I should read a book or not. For starters, I find that a lot of readers seem to skim or rush through the book so they end up complaining about things that were literally already explained in the book had they read carefully. *Facepalm* Then there's the constant "dumb" or "weak" FL comments on stories where the FL isn't overpowered or a super genius, which is more unrealistic in my opinion and sometimes takes away from the story. I get that as readers we're looking in at the situation from the outside so it's frustrating when misunderstandings pop up because we can see all sides and so the solution seems simple. But I wish more often than not, people would actually try to view the situation in the book from the characters point of view and consider context as well as the BOOK'S logic, instead of applying their own. Haniel is far from stupid. She's naive, but that isn't the same as a lack of intelligence.

    Astralux January 27, 2024 2:17 pm

    Can you spoil me?
    Do they found out about Haniel identity?

    plinky25 January 27, 2024 4:25 pm
    Can you spoil me?Do they found out about Haniel identity? Astralux

    Yep, by the end, after ML already knows/finds out- they eventually tell everyone. ML found out on his own by piecing clues together (mainly by how another angel/bird was caught transforming, so he started suspecting FL could be the same Phoenix)

    plinky25 January 27, 2024 4:28 pm
    Exactly, this is why I no longer rely on comments to judge whether I should read a book or not. For starters, I find that a lot of readers seem to skim or rush through the book so they end up complaining about ... SnowBunnyFujoshi

    Right! People are blaming the character for not being aware of customs she wasn’t told of. It’s funny those readers say she’s dumb but can’t even tell the difference between being stupid and being naive. Pretty sad most of the comments are filled with that nonsense and possibly ruining first time readers impressions. This is an actually entertaining story according to novel spoilers in my opinion. And the revenge are all satisfying, some outcomes are surprising for certain characters and I was shook at how crazy the revenge was lmao

    Astralux January 28, 2024 2:41 am
    Yep, by the end, after ML already knows/finds out- they eventually tell everyone. ML found out on his own by piecing clues together (mainly by how another angel/bird was caught transforming, so he started suspe... plinky25

    Oooooo thank you smm

    LadyMystic January 28, 2024 4:57 am

    Period I agree sm. Likes she’s been training for 200 years in her world, she’s smart asf and strong asf. She’s completely new to human interaction, plus it seems like the other angels had issues with her so I can see why he social skills aren’t as great but overall she’s learning and she’s great love her.