
Exactly, so how does it make sense. Miho said he knew how Hiroya felt but I don't think he fully understood it and that's why he'd cut contact or get cold feet. Like... Doesn't Hiroya know how scary being in queer relationships are? If he does and ehs' acting like this he's an asshole, if he doesn't he's a dumbass.
I'm sorry but Hiroya is such an asshole. HE KNOWS that Miho is an overthinker, not only that but he's terrified of hurting others as well as himself. The fact that he kissed him not only once, but TWICE and said sorry after both times?! Without explaining himself?! Then had the GULL to say that Miho kept acting like the victim in all of this??? YEAH HE IS! YOU saw his smile and decided to kiss him. You could've contacted him first, you had all the opportunities even now to clear things up.
It pisses me off that Miho was the one to fucking man up when Hiroya was the one who had his tail between his legs this whole time. Even the ex said he's pretty much going with the flow and a people pleaser that's why nobody trusts him... and he didn't take the wife's fucking advice. OF COURSE Miho would assume that the drunken kiss would've been a mistake, and he wouldn't want things taken further with a drunk guy. I fucking WISH that friend would've made a move on Miho and actually stole him and they'd have a happy ending.