Every update just hurts my soul

Bananuriel January 26, 2024 3:16 pm

Subin... Baby... Can you wake your braincells up or smth??????

Like, I respect he would want to move out of Jun's apartment, but srsly........ 5 years didn't amount to anything? No remorse over your relationship? You leave just like that without a second thought?

I seriously can't believe he wouldn't say 'I love you' to Jun for FIVE FUCKING YEARS, ARE YOU KIDDING ME? It's like Subin hasn't matured at all in all these years. He's still acting lik that 23 yo he was. Grow tf up dude.

This season makes me want to rip all my hear out. Fuck u younhwa or whatever your name is. You should've just stayed fucking your own shit story

    bamgyu January 27, 2024 1:45 am

    I think Jun isn't fully guilt free too. He has a lot of shortcomings and I can understand Subin's insecurity. The way they both think just very different

    Bananuriel January 27, 2024 4:26 am

    Nah, I know that, too. I'm not saying Jun is a saint or anything, but living with someone for 5 years and having a committed relationship for your partner to NEVER say that the loves you in all that time? That's gotta hurt...