Just saw a clip of this on TikTik where she went bad bitch on someone for hurting her serv...

Irrational Hater January 26, 2024 6:07 am

Just saw a clip of this on TikTik where she went bad bitch on someone for hurting her servant which made me wanna read but then I found out the ml has SIX concubines?!? No thanks

    Yan January 26, 2024 5:59 am

    oh yea The fl got rid of them lol turned into ashes (prolly)

    quinnea January 26, 2024 6:06 am

    Those concubines didnt stay for long tho. Their purpose is to aid the emperor in connections, trading and influence. But our Empress did that so he discarded them. Except for the blue haired concubine tho, she's good and I like her with the Empress' servant, they look cute together. Whoops. Anyways. In short, aside from the 3 thins mentioned above, the concubines are useless to the point where they didnt even had sex w/ the emperor. Give it a try and read it

    Ben January 26, 2024 7:20 am

    Actually he doesn't care for them, if you read it they get disposed of one by one

    ImACuteLightSaber January 26, 2024 8:26 am

    His concubines are there just for the sake of politics, in Lass's term they are his hostages .. it just happen that Lass work her way to the top and dispose the concubines while proving her worth ..

    demon13o January 26, 2024 11:29 pm

    They're only concubines in name, he has no romantic relations with any but our badass girl. The concubines are just "hostages" for the country, at least until our fiery Lass here has been able to kick them to the curb or found a better reason to keep them in the country. Take the one that does secretarial work, she became good friends with Lass because she is a good-natured girl. Then you have the two we saw sent packing. So I'm sure as the story goes we'll see the other's go since Lass has some revenge to deal out from her first time line.

    horndoglmao January 27, 2024 8:13 pm

    i mean they make a point of mentioning he never spent a night (had sex) with any of the concubines... so ml is showing only green flags to me

    nocturne January 28, 2024 8:51 pm

    Hmm as far as the story goes, one of his concubines (now tossed away lol) bears his child, so i assume he's had SOME level of sexual relations with them. Emphasis on the "some" since it also a fact that one of his concubines were resentful that she hasn't bedded with him, not even once. BUT in terms of romantic attractions, he's only had his eyes caught by our mc.

    nocturne January 28, 2024 8:57 pm
    Hmm as far as the story goes, one of his concubines (now tossed away lol) bears his child, so i assume he's had SOME level of sexual relations with them. Emphasis on the "some" since it also a fact that one of ... nocturne

    Nvrmind I retract my sentence lol. The part where one of his concubines is not true, it was a speculative kind of arguementative statement by our mc and i misunderstood it by my own
    ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ

    Hey79 February 3, 2024 7:41 am

    He didn't have sex with any of them but the empress only for connections

    Hey79 February 3, 2024 7:41 am

    He didn't have sex with any of them but the empress only for connections to make the empire better