My partner comes from Korean royal lineage. His family is very well off. The ONLY reason his dad is okay with me (and, like, barely) is because my grandfather is wealthy. But his parents aren’t stoked about our relationship because my mother is not wealthy and my father is dead.
I have a degree from business school but I choose to bartend because I make much more doing that (about $90k after taxes). They forced me to work corporate last year because it looked bad on the family name that I bartended (even though I made $45k in the office… literally half of my bartending income). I was miserable and quit and went back to bartending. My partner supported my decision 100%.
We’ve been together 4 years and plan to get engaged soon. Fingers crossed they don’t try to kill this love (lol). Even if they do though, it won’t matter. My partner doesn’t listen to them.
Now the story touched a very sad topic...
We, the worker class, often see this kinda of situation when it comes to marrying someone. Are they well off? Can they provide for you? Will you keep struggling financially if you marry?
It's like not even something as marriage is for everyone, just for the ones who can afford it.