no the hairstyle isn't common AT ALL, and since you since you are black, i'm letting you know we, as a community HATE that hairstyle because firstly barely anyone has it (idk who you saw with that), and it just look like fakey inclusive because EVERY black character in anything has that typical hairstyle that nobody actually does.
all we asks for is accurate representation of black people, and this overused hairstyle limits us so much in a way too, because as soon as you see a black character, if it's a masculine character there is 90% of chance it's this hairstyle.
and that hairstyle is just ugly too like, even irl people rarely pull it off and that's one of the reasons close to no one has it
Bro please my fellow black people
Is it really THAAAT hard to draw a different hair
Type ITS ALWAYS THOSE DREADS not even an Afro not even like braids ITS THOSE SLIDE WAYS DREADS