I kinda find the plot more interesting than the romance. The ML is fine, bu...
I just thought........... how come *everyone else* in the imperial family i...
watching him revert back a normal human being is priceless lmaoooo
Yo the count better get a raise or something
(SORRY IF I SOUND LIKE AN ASSHOLE ITS CUZ THE BOOK MADE ME MAD) I was js gonna deal with it at first but the trial is pissing me tf off. If you find the trial in this story interesting you are either a fucking child or stupid bro. It doesn’t take a genius to realize that you do not need an explicit reason for divorce, like I can kinda of see what the author was trying to do but I can’t anymore the trial is so off putting to me. The only reason you would need to go to divorce court is if you want a claim of property you used to own as a married couple. they literally stated that the point of the whole trial was to see if the husband gave reason enough for divorce because it wasn’t like she wanted to leave with any property. like I know this is prolly like the 1800 but saying you can’t js leave your husband cuz he was an asshole is crazy and feels extremely objectifying. Maybe there’s a law in the books setting that says there does need to be a reason for divorce since this was a political marriage, but if there was, the author should have made us, the readers aware. I also read the spoilers so other than the trial being shit the plot is pretty much as well.