Like what is the appeal of having the bottom know the top since they were a baby? Like peo...

Megirl6473 January 25, 2024 12:36 am

Like what is the appeal of having the bottom know the top since they were a baby? Like people keep saying it's just fiction meant to be enjoyed but what is the appeal? Why do you guys like it so much I need to understand this. Cause it's always immediate turn to 'it's fiction so it's fine" but why do you like it regardless of if it'd fiction or not. It's is hot imaging the bottom feeling taboo about sleeping with someone he has known since he was a kid? Is it hot to imagine how this would be very odd in real life but since it's not it's nice now? Like I'm so confused. Cause like it feels like I'm in the wrong for feeling strange about it cause so many people are saying it's "new gen" to grow up and be aware of the weird ah situations authors are writing.

But idk that's just me. You do you after all it's not real.

    Jayjay February 19, 2024 9:30 am

    “ this would be very odd in real life”

    This is basically you saying that fictions are part of your reality. If you can’t differentiate fiction and reality, you need serious therapy.

    You know what’s weird, too? People enjoying thriller movies like SAW, Massacre movies, torture movies. Like, what’s the appeal? Does that mean audience enjoy watching people getting murdered and suffer? That would be very odd in real life, no? = this is how your logic goes.

    There is a very visible line between fiction and reality, but if your feelings are correlating the two, you would need to stop reading fiction and reflect for a while. We, those who can differentiate, can live our lives without fiction affecting or morals in real life and go on with our daily lives.

    Burpityburp:) February 20, 2024 12:59 am

    Girl no stop it your literally being mentally retarded right now lmao if you were just gonna say that in the first place “you do you” then don’t express your opinion at all lol

    Noooo3748 March 5, 2024 2:25 pm
    “ this would be very odd in real life”This is basically you saying that fictions are part of your reality. If you can’t differentiate fiction and reality, you need serious therapy.You know what’s weird,... Jayjay

    The way you jumped through hoops to defend a grown person writing and drawing out pedophilia knowing child predators like you will enjoy it is crazy. I think you're the one who should seek therapy if reading that bs doesn't get you sick.

    Jayjay March 5, 2024 3:27 pm
    The way you jumped through hoops to defend a grown person writing and drawing out pedophilia knowing child predators like you will enjoy it is crazy. I think you're the one who should seek therapy if reading th... Noooo3748

    Thousands of people literally watch genre movies that include murder and yet you’re acting like it’s completely fine to do so. Guess what, pedophilia=murder=psychological horror falls the same depth of hell but you’re only bothered with pedophilia. Like I’ve said, we can live in a world where we can draw line between fiction and reality - unlike you who thinks the world is a fiction

    I literally watched all franchise of “I spit on your grave” along with hundreds of people yet I still know that murder is illegal and immoral

    Megirl6473 March 11, 2024 4:25 pm
    “ this would be very odd in real life”This is basically you saying that fictions are part of your reality. If you can’t differentiate fiction and reality, you need serious therapy.You know what’s weird,... Jayjay

    I mean, I was asking for an explanation. I don't enjoy murder either. But this is inherently a sexual no? And murder doesn't always have to Do with something sexual? So that doesn't really work as a comparison.

    Megirl6473 March 11, 2024 4:26 pm
    “ this would be very odd in real life”This is basically you saying that fictions are part of your reality. If you can’t differentiate fiction and reality, you need serious therapy.You know what’s weird,... Jayjay

    Like read my full sentence I would like to know the appeal?

    Burpityburp:) March 13, 2024 10:42 am
    Like read my full sentence I would like to know the appeal? Megirl6473

    Lmao if your so mad about it just drop the series lmao like it's not that deep, if you really feel SOOOO wronged that they made it like this then drop it, and the translator note didn't really even confirm that they were going to draw one out, they were probably just being imaginative. So literally drop it instead of complaining and wasting yours and my time and everybody who reads your stupid ads comment, and the picture was probably canary tbh so idk why your being so weird about it.

    Burpityburp:) March 13, 2024 10:44 am
    Like read my full sentence I would like to know the appeal? Megirl6473

    Wtf autocorrect, fanart not canary and ads not ads wtf

    Megirl6473 March 15, 2024 9:05 am
    Lmao if your so mad about it just drop the series lmao like it's not that deep, if you really feel SOOOO wronged that they made it like this then drop it, and the translator note didn't really even confirm that... Burpityburp:)

    ... Uh i have dropped it. But I'm allowed to express why I dropped it in a comment section...

    Why do you guys always get so pressed when someone criticises a work that has objectively bad elements. Like you're not the writer, I'm not personally attacking you if you feel. Personally attacked by a simple question of "what is the appeal of an age gap relationship where one of the parties watched the other one grow up" then you might need to do some sole searching as that just seems like you don't want to acknowledge the issue which is as you find it hot. Making you quite frankly a disgusting perverted person but okay. Man harsh language but it's the reality we fine ourselves in.

    Noooo3748 March 15, 2024 1:46 pm
    Thousands of people literally watch genre movies that include murder and yet you’re acting like it’s completely fine to do so. Guess what, pedophilia=murder=psychological horror falls the same depth of hell... Jayjay

    Again, jumping through hoops. I've never said any of that was fine to do so but you just want to put words into my mouth because you can't wrap your head around the fact that the media you consume is also a reflection of your morals. You watching a show about murder has nothing to do with me, I don't care that you're fucked up. Idk what's so satiating about pedophilia but if that's what you like go ahead, just don't try to make it seem normal because it isn't. One day it's reading fucked up things and then predating on young children. Also, you can't compare murder and pedophilia since they are different crimes. That's like comparing robbing and physical assault, they're crimes but they don't fall into the same category at all. I really hope that one day you realize that you're not normal and that reading pedophilia will fuck you up in more ways than one but clearly it's not today. Happy healing.

    Noooo3748 March 15, 2024 1:47 pm
    Thousands of people literally watch genre movies that include murder and yet you’re acting like it’s completely fine to do so. Guess what, pedophilia=murder=psychological horror falls the same depth of hell... Jayjay

    And as I've said before there would be no fiction without the real world. It's deadass a mirror but I see that you need to cope somehow by separating your sick hobby from your personal life and relations.

    Burpityburp:) March 18, 2024 3:05 am
    ... Uh i have dropped it. But I'm allowed to express why I dropped it in a comment section...Why do you guys always get so pressed when someone criticises a work that has objectively bad elements. Like you're n... Megirl6473

    Literally nobody is gonna care and be like oh no she disagrees it's the end of the world like literally if your gonna drop just drop like nobody gives a shit about your opinion if your just gonna say yOu Do You then don't express it at all bc your just basically saying "this is so wrong but I'm only expressing my opinion to start something out of nothing" like your making this such a big deal when it's literally not and the fact that they didn't even confirm the ship and your already bashing the series? Seriously grow up, and stop complaining if your gonna drop this drop the comments too dumbass follow through with yourself stop being indecisive idc if your older than me I'm probably younger but you have the mindset of a spoiled 5 year old using big words. And the fact that your jumping through hell and back to just "express your opinion" but coming back to bash on others for also explaining their opinions but then getting pissed and calling it "harsh words"? Embarrassing to you and reading your comment is giving me 4th hand embarrassment like hypocrytical much? Lmao anyways let me express my opinion rq. #1 I think your a dumbass and can't differentiate the difference between fiction and nonfiction is embarrassing for you and me I feel like I'm talking to a brick retarded wall but it's okay because it's JUST imo

    Burpityburp:) March 18, 2024 3:14 am
    ... Uh i have dropped it. But I'm allowed to express why I dropped it in a comment section...Why do you guys always get so pressed when someone criticises a work that has objectively bad elements. Like you're n... Megirl6473

    And fyi I don't really support it either but do you see me making 10000 comments saying this is so wrong and the writer should be brutally murdered? No because I'm not immature and I know that if they did really make that trope I just wouldn't read anymore and really honestly Its not being perverted bc if I'm a pervert you obviously are too for reading this genre but complaining when the author doesn't wanna do every single thing your needy ass wants. like either drop this without making a big ass deal or keep reading and express your concern by saying it in a way where even I don't think your fucking stupid by saying it like " the trope between the kid and caretaker is pretty weird in my opinion but honestly if they do really continue with it I just won't read the chapters but I really like the restof the tropes and the art style" like if you said it like that I would've actually agreed and this whole ordeal obvi wouldn't have happened but it did because your dumbass took it to the worst scenario possible by basically accusing me of being a pedophile and pervert like jumping to conclusions much? Honestly I think your a pervert and pedophile for thinking of it like that and I'm sure everyone else does too.

    Burpityburp:) March 18, 2024 3:22 am
    ... Uh i have dropped it. But I'm allowed to express why I dropped it in a comment section...Why do you guys always get so pressed when someone criticises a work that has objectively bad elements. Like you're n... Megirl6473

    And if the kid is over 18 in the story the that's his own decision and he has to take the responsibility for what he did just like in reality and actions can have either good or bad consequences and if he has to learn the hard way he will and it's not the caretakers fault bc most of the time in these type of stories they do try to stay away and they do push them away and are basically forced into it but end up falling in love and stuff, yeah it's fucked up but if you don't like it then you don't. Stop making such a huge deal, seriously, because reading your 'opinion' pisses me off by the way your expressing it and I'm sure you can tell im pissed, not sure if you can tell why, but you can tell that when I read your comment I got pissed.

    Burpityburp:) March 18, 2024 3:31 am
    Again, jumping through hoops. I've never said any of that was fine to do so but you just want to put words into my mouth because you can't wrap your head around the fact that the media you consume is also a ref... Noooo3748

    Again with the accusing, just bc I watch true crime shit like the other 4.6 billion people in the world does it mean I'm fucked up? She or he is completely right they are all crimes and fall into the same category and have the same severe consequences and the fact that you can't wrap your head around that is pretty embarrassing and reading pedophilia, yeah it's bad and I don't really support it either but the author probably doesn't really want to but had to keep the readers in and do what the readers want and if you can't understand that then I think your immature and selfish like the other 1/3 of the fucking commenters like maybe the author does but the way YOU are jumping through hoops to falsely accuse people of being pedophiles and being 'fucked up in the head' and 'not normal' is truly hypocritical if you can't even see the fact that this is 90% not the authors fault for having to keep the readings and rates up because it is basically their jobs and their pay for their needs so they don't die from being homeless from minimum wage of a gas station where you probably work at, then your the fucked up and not normal one. Period. End of controversy.

    Burpityburp:) March 18, 2024 3:36 am

    Yeah and the fact your commenting and complaiming about the whole thing about pedophilia and knowing the kid since they were a child, but in your account you already read Gokutora no Honey Bunny and didn't complain there? Huh, pretty weird am I right? That's also a story about knowing the main character since they were a child but that's the whole story, and you didn't complain there and read all of it and didn't drop it? I caught you red handed and there's no way you can defend yourself now lmao.