I read somwhere than Takahiro's wife asked Misaki "are u going out with Usagi-san?" so I'm not sure about your version

Yeah that's what she asks, from what I saw in the raws. To which Misaki visibly panics (like when Ijuuin asked the same question in front of him and Usagi at Marukawa) and takes off to hop the subway home lol. While not verbally answering her, his reaction essentially declares it, and I'm sure Manami has the intuition to figure that out. She already suspected, now it's affirmation.
So what she does next is the real cliffhanger, whether she tells Takahiro or not. After all, it follows up the heated argument Takahiro and Misaki have, in front of Manami, over Misaki's reluctance to move out of Usagi's home. Takahiro is evidently at the point of really pressing Misaki to a painful decision, and in support of Misaki, Manami may let it slip why Misaki doesn't want to leave.
"Why wouldn't he want to leave, Manami? I don't understand. He needs to become an adult and not rely on others." "Because they care for one another, Takahiro." Something to that effect I could imagine. That would then set off a really dramatic confrontation between them and Misaki and Usagi. Usagi pries the worry out of Misaki at the end of this new chapter, I'm assuming about his talk with Manami and the prior argument. So the buildup to a dramatic confrontation is where this is likely headed.
I know Nakamura Sensei is looking to wrap JR in the near future, and since the Ijuuin conflict has been essentially resolved, this seems to be the last major hurdle of the story. I know Fuyuhiko kind of remains the silent villain in their relationship, but I don't really see what else Sensei could draw out from it, that hasn't been already. He remains in opposition to their relationship, likely for a long time, if not indefinitely. Unless Sensei wants to do a final confrontation with Misaki, Usagi, Haruhiko, and him after the fated Takahiro one. But I digress, we're definitely reaching the fever pitch of the story. XD
I've seen chapter 44 and I've seen that takahiro gets mad because of something but I don't think it's because he found out about misaki and akihiko (maybe because misaki doesn't want to move out of akihiko's ?) but I do think that takahiro's wife confronted misaki about his relationship with akihiko