the way I called it

quiteuneventful January 23, 2024 9:14 pm

man I knew it was gonna be bad but now I just want to shove his stupid face on the ground. this man has literally NO redeeming qualities, there isn’t even an OUNCE of recognition of everything dan does for him… first of all he can’t get him gifts or show his feelings because then he starts drawing a line and verbally abusing him but the WORST part is kim dan can’t even DO his job for him BECAUSE HES SUCH A PRIDEFUL MANCHILD THAT HE DOESNT LET HIM OR ANY OF HIS TRAINERS DO THEIR JOBSBSGSUSJDHDBDDFGRFF

i fucking hate jaehyuck!!!! what a trash person and at this point just throw the whole man away. even bj alex's male lead developed emotions near the end. i think I’m gonna take a break from this one, god I’m so TIRED
