Why though? I thought it was quite cute and original compared to obvious cliche and overused "information guild".
If you REALLY think about it every time information guild is mentioned in one of these stories it's almost always ran/owned by a man however if you payed attention, this adorable "Rumor store" was completely thought up by a 14 y.o girl~~ Cute right? And ambitious- and if you really open your mind a bit it sounds like a cute store that a modernized youth would come up with no? I think its super original and so cute that if were real? I would absolutely want to go there to get info just because of the name itself and if the info is also accurate 10 out of 10 would recommend.
∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

Chptr 13 She names her store "Cheeze" (and she goes into detail about why and it's such a cute and thoughtful meaning behind it) BUT YOU KNOW WHAT THE CUTEST PART IS ABOUT THE NAME OF THE STORE?!?! HER LAST NAME IS "CHEDDAR"!!! She is refered to by the name Lady Cheddar AND HER STORE'S NAME IS CHEEZE!! HOW CUTE!!
"Lady Cheddar's store, Cheeze" so thoughtful and cute how the author made this cute occurance.
Rumor store?? Like a guild but not very obvious information trade? The name is kinda meh