They will not listen to that. You can't have neutral or positive feedback dealing with Jaekyung here. You will be attacked due to them letting hate take control of them.
You can't even theorize about Jaekyung or ship Jaekyung and Dan together without being attacked or being called "delusional" OMG you can see something they can't!! or Won't
They don't have to harass you about it.
Somehow just analyzing Jaekyung, you are siding with him. Oh bother.
First, he is already injured.
Second, he has a headache via having a hangover.
Third, he was bombarded by unwanted expensive gifts that is invading his space.
Fourth, he is confused about last night.
Fifth, nothing is helping him get better.
Sixth, he learns the reason Dan has been going out, sleeping when he should be working, and rubbing blood on him without noticing. It was for him. He has been worried and he learns all that was for him. It is probably something that has never happened to him. Someone so close to do something so genuinely.
He covered his emotions but anger and lashing out.
sixth is a man-child and don't know how to handle that.
Dan needs to teach him but he needs to learn other ways when angry of communicating like the ones that attack you for noticing something.
Jaekyung does not say what he means sometimes and hides most of his emotions. He is a tsundere.
All kinds of emotions pop-up that he does not know how to deal with it while feeling like crap and he lashed out. It is what he knows but it is bad behavior that he needs to change.

Yeah, that's what I mean, thanks for making it clear. I really can't avoid not receiving a negative reaction, because they think I'm favoring what jaekhyung did, I thought no one would understand what I meant in the comment, thanks to you. and their replies are okay with me, they are just really annoyed by what jaekhyung did.
We know that jeakhyung is red flag, but look carefully to his reaction, maybe he just don't know how to express his appreciation? Or maybe because it's his first time to got a such pure effort from someone?