Faulty advertising

Eda January 23, 2024 11:15 am

I think non of us would be this pissed off if this piece of crap was advertised right. This should not have been marketed as a romance. Because as a phycologycal piece, it's great. But not as a romance... Also I think we could tolerate it more if we wouldn't know that they'll end up together... But author confirmed that so we have no hope left.

    mangoga January 23, 2024 11:23 am

    i mean...it was confirmed that they would be together since before the first ep was published

    Eda January 23, 2024 11:29 am
    i mean...it was confirmed that they would be together since before the first ep was published mangoga

    Unfortunately, I know... :'( that's why in 45 chapters, for over a year now, I expected some tiny bit of development. But we're going backwards. Dan is way more delulu as ever, losing even that tiny backbone he had in the beginning and Jaekyung is being... Jaekyung...

    mangoga January 23, 2024 11:31 am
    Unfortunately, I know... :'( that's why in 45 chapters, for over a year now, I expected some tiny bit of development. But we're going backwards. Dan is way more delulu as ever, losing even that tiny backbone he... Eda

    i get u