ur killing me u stupid piece of shit

silly misa January 23, 2024 5:11 am

dawg if hes being honest ab this, then lets come to reality, he does not have time to be whoring around, he's been tryna make money for fuck sakes the entire time trying to help his kid. like the art is so good and the sex is good with empty brain but this guy is just a piece of shit. he better have the best comeback ever and not have sumn stupid shit where the guy leaves him and he gets devastated and changes like that's not change that's obsession like i like a bit of obsession sometimes but like it's not even considered as love. i def do like the story don't get me wrong, it's just the flaws of this story is so annoying :'(

    AWinterWonderLand January 23, 2024 7:07 am

    Ian's just being a dick. And yes, while from when SiYeon's gotten sick until now he's working hard to pay for SiYeon's meds so he can't afford to fool around, but anytime post partum until the time Ian had found out about him and the baby anything could have happened. Although, he's prob being sarcastic or jelly. Always saying stuff, while Noah is like a bite donkey.

    AWinterWonderLand January 23, 2024 7:08 am


    (Not bite* stupid autocorrect)