Well I do agree with everyone that communication is the key but well I don't know sometime...

Ella January 23, 2024 4:34 am

Well I do agree with everyone that communication is the key but well I don't know sometimes you just don't wanna appear too clingy or weak I can't figure out the perfect word to describe it but it's just sometimes you just can't.... it happens with me too and um yeah it leads to pretty good misunderstandings sometimes breaking my relationships off

    welfare January 24, 2024 8:27 pm

    Wait I just wrote something similar in my comment before seeing yours, and I am glad I am not the only one who feels this. In general a lot of people in this site keeps complaining about lack of communication, which is normal, but I do hope that these people do a little introspection towards themselves. Well maybe I am being carried too much for a fictional story, but as someone who has an hard time to communicate due to some traumas, communication is not that simple, and needs a lot of work.

    Ella January 24, 2024 11:36 pm
    Wait I just wrote something similar in my comment before seeing yours, and I am glad I am not the only one who feels this. In general a lot of people in this site keeps complaining about lack of communication, ... welfare

    I love reading whether it's novels or these and i like to relate to the character and think would I have done this or what would I have done here because that's how i like it and then you see people comment things at the end that don't even like make sense. Communication is the key but not everyone can communicate and i totally relate to that.

    Moon January 30, 2024 8:40 pm

    true. even more so a mc who has an inferiority complex and doesnt want to burden his boyfriend. of course he doesnt want to express his jealousy cuz hes afraid it would burden his bf. especially when the person in question is his boss and this is his bf first job