It’s not about the gift. I don’t really side with either of them given that they are both a little deranged, but Dan IS stupid for doing this much. First of all, from HIS perspective why would I like someone such as Jaekyung? And why would I go this far? Second of all, from JAEKYUNG’s perspective, why the hell is my ‘employee’ wasting his time and hurting himself to get me a keychain when he could be nursing me back to health. That’s pretty much it. I don’t see why anyone here is apologizing for either of those idiots, they both equally need mental help.

Actually… Dan agreed that he would “spread (his) legs whenever, wherever”. There was nothing saying it couldn’t be in public, in front of others, and in fact Jaekyung keeps trying to have sex in public places because it makes Dan flustered. I believe his words directly after they agreed to the contract and the following blowjob were, “Let’s see how much you can take.” Jaekyung also told Dan to let go of his pride when Jaekyung paid off his debt.
Dan’s not stupid, but he’s not taking Jaekyung seriously. He’s not taking his job seriously and letting his emotions get in the way. If he wanted to make his life easier, he would become irreplaceable to Jaekyung, make it so Jaekyung relied on him for everything, and use that as leverage to get himself unstuck. If he actually utilized his resources to the max, he could be a world-class pt. He could be extremely marketable. He could use Jaekyung to get out once and for all. If he did all that, Jarkyung might actually respect him. But he has bad habits, can’t think outside the box, and caves to his emotions despite the obvious backlash.
Sadly, even though I want to argue for the underdog, the underdog is choosing to roll around in the mud.

Just because Dan did smthing Jake didn’t like does not excuse his behaviour and we should not excuse what was done and pitt all the blame on Dan simply because “that’s Jake’s personality”. He went on one saying “I need you to focus on my physio not do this shit” but we clearly saw from the chapters before that Dan would always do his work for Jake then take his rest in his OWN personal time. So let’s not…
Doctor is crossing the line. If we think about jaekyung's perspective.
His employee who's broke is doing side hustles , skipping sleep , skipping lunch ,
Getting hurt in the process . For a godamn keychain ?
This is not the action of someone who's just GRATEFUL ! This is too Much.
Although Dan's motive was simple. But It's Easy to get interpreted in wrong way .
And Dan's timing bro . What a sacred timing he chose. A cranky person + Hungover + shoulder injury =_=
Just do your job only please