The twins and oto are they gonna be a love triangle or like only one of the twins will end up with oto i really hope only one ends up with oto (i hope its shuu)
i remember a comment years back that Oto ends up with just one of the twins, i forgot if that twin was Shuu or Yuuto but it must be the one who went to Oto's house alone when it was raining
oh thanks for the correction. i should be able to tell them apart by the way they part their bangs but i apparently i still can't haha sui bian
yeah it's difficult to tell them apart. I only remember that it was Shu because Michi kept saying "Chu". Their bangs are the difference but i wish one of them grow their hair out or something so that i can tell them apart easily lol.
The twins and oto are they gonna be a love triangle or like only one of the twins will end up with oto i really hope only one ends up with oto (i hope its shuu)