Oh, Never mind them.
But I did notice people become a lot more mean and rude and there's nothing we can do about that. Freedom of opinion they say.
But sometimes it hurts ;_; (you can say the same thing in a polite way too...but people don't try to understand so now I turn a blind eye and cry in solitude)
Like your comment gets a thumbs down for nothing. But i think someone just made it on purpose ( ̄へ ̄)
OR GET A BOYFRIENDGIRLFRIEND THEN MAYBE YOU WONT HAVE TIME TO BE A TROLL ONLINE! or heh maybe that's why your such a troll. "Snort" you have so much frustration that you need to try to ruin someone else's day just so you feel better about yourself. Like I said get a life ya bully.
Naw this was an example question I knew if I worded it the way I did the negative Nancy's would thumbs it down cause I deliberately called them out. Their fault for being baited just to prove my point. And I didn't even say any bad words in the original question all I called them was Negative Nancy's
Such a person will never ever get a boy or girlfriend haha What a coward....come on bitch show yourself
bet its one of these 'i'm protecting lezhin webtoons by reporting them to feel like a hero' persons who downvotes your comment
It pisses me off too but I try not to stoop down to their level. Sometimes, I wish like banging my head somewhere but the fact that I wouldn't have to face the person who ever down voted in real life give me life.
If you give a thumbs down for difference in opinion, that's okay-ish but down votes for no reasons gets my blood boiling.
And believe me, cyber bullies are pussies in real life (at least most of them?)...the Internet just gives them a platform to vent out their inner emotions under the mask of anonymity.
Count me in on the war against trolls....(but I might got to sleep since its midnight here)
Oh, and if you can always do what I do, like every comment that had a down vote for no apparent reason. (I do usually point out if the comment/question gets more than 5-6 down votes).
I really hope we can solve this peacefully and ive been thinking for quite a while now to somehow ask the admins to get rid of the "thumbs down" button since it brings nothing good. (I personally never use the thumbs down button...except when I hit it accidentally on rare occasions where I always apologise)
If you don't like something, just leave it be.
Sorry for the rant •_•"
But these are the most annoying ones
thank u (≧∀≦) dont worry your comment was totally okay
I was shot at when I was in 9th grade by some school mates who were high when I was walking home from school one day and when I was in elementary school some older men followed me around my village and down an ally so I pulled a knife on them...lol their faces though! They were not expecting an elementary school girl to have a weapon on her! They backed off real quick.
their hypocrite level is over 9000
What's with all the negative Nancy's nowadays
When I first came here almost nothing got down voted in anyone's questions or comments
Now you see a thumbs down everywhere and people saying mean or hurtful things to our lovely translators or saying were doing bad things well to bad you know just by being on this site your also doing bad things to..how else did you find this site? Looking up where you could read manga yup gosh you do know that because of this site alot of people who cant afford to pay for a full series can read the series or find out about it. Like with what lies at the end. Because I found out about it here I've used coins on the original site to buy chapters and even other people have bought or viewed it on the original site giving the author more money.