Glorified SA and victim blaming!

NightmareRoyale01 January 22, 2024 8:59 am

I find it crazy how they found a way to transfer misogyny aimed at women onto a mf dude with a womb. Even the women are discriminatory. Not to mention almost every scene except for a few at the end were SA and taken WAY too lightly. And then to say "well it can't be helped!" Like wtf. Then the ending?? Like that lady was a grown ass woman trying to marry a HS freshman?? Idk this was so weird and I can't believe I read all 90 chapters.

    Maya February 8, 2024 4:39 pm

    Yeah I was searching "good boy omegaverse" and someone recommend this but omg. I can't even go past three chapter. Even the first chapter I was disgusted so so much with this. They're saying misogynistic and sexualizing shit that men have been saying to women. (Victim blaming and deflecting guilt too!) Fuckin insane bullshit of a story.