
sumi January 22, 2024 2:09 am

The mom needs to relax a bit. Grandparents are supposed to spoil their grandchildren a bit by being overall less strict than parents usually are, doing things like giving them secret snacks and such. And also the no kissing your child in the cheek for 3 years just in case they get cavities is a bit much I think, never seen it being a significant issue irl. Little girl seems happy to have them around and mom wants to take that away from her just because some small annoyances. She just seems like too controlling to me

    whalien January 22, 2024 2:16 am

    Hard disagree. Grandparents aren’t parents. They need to give the mom a heads up whenever they are coming. And if the parent doesn’t want anyone kissing their babies, that’s fine. Diseases do get spread like that. For example, herpes, papillomaviruses, hepatitis viruses. She’s not asking them to never do it, just not while they’re young and have fragile immune systems. Ultimately, parents get the say when it comes to their kids

    sumi January 22, 2024 3:28 am
    Hard disagree. Grandparents aren’t parents. They need to give the mom a heads up whenever they are coming. And if the parent doesn’t want anyone kissing their babies, that’s fine. Diseases do get spread l... whalien

    The mom is not even that good at expressing herself and establishing boundaries. She reached a point of no return without properly conveying how truly annoyed she was at the grandparents antics, just passive remarks. They have good intentions and lots of love for their grandaughter, but they just don't know any better, old people are usually stuck in their. She cannot expect her husband to be the mediator, this is an issue between them and her. They need to have a serious and open talk

    Love Is War January 22, 2024 5:18 am

    Have you ever taken care of a baby with botulism (from honey) or cold sores or even covid 19? Or had a relative cover the infants face with the blanket while sleeping? Or had an aunt/uncle give the child the food they are allergic too, because the child insisted and didn't know better?

    Love Is War January 22, 2024 5:20 am
    Have you ever taken care of a baby with botulism (from honey) or cold sores or even covid 19? Or had a relative cover the infants face with the blanket while sleeping? Or had an aunt/uncle give the child the fo... Love Is War

    oops, got too emotional and made some errors.