Sorry but “dignified death” sounds dumb. What is so dignified by accepting him bleeding out on the floor everywhere? You mean it’s dignified to watch him die and do nothing? She GAVE UP on him. MC is the one that made an attempt because she wants him to live and the GUY HIMSELF WANTED IT TOO. You can’t deny what the patient wants, if she’s a doctor, she has no right denying his right of choosing what he wants to be done.
It doesn’t matter what trauma the girl been through- this aint about her. She’s not dying at that second, and it’s not up to her what can be done. She overstepped the line of a doctor. What matters is the man himself WANTED to try and do it to live. She’s already a failure of a doctor for not wanting to try any way to save her patient, and instead give up and let him die just cause of her own feelings.

Did everyone forget when she said "He's going to die anyway" when she was drug overdosing him to numb his pain. He also gave his permission for the drugs to be given to him and she was fine with it, y is the bracelet any different expecially when it was HIS CHOICE!
Why the fuck does she care now when it came to an experiment that actually has the possibility of saving his life. He was litteraly on the floor beading out she was right next to him trying to "help" when MC ran in but she quickly abandoned the DIEING MAN TO PUSH HIS ONLY SAVING GRACE OUTTA THE WAY!! (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
All I'm sayin is somethin's fishy about that bitch, everytime she talks about him dieing she's all conical about it like she has absolutely no intention of finding or making any type of solution to the problem

Think of it this way, someone important to u was in the hospital they are in a life or death situation, the solution up until now was just drugging them out so they couldn't feel the pain but then there is a treatment ur told about that has a chance of keeping them away from deaths door and potentially restoring them to full health. Both u and the patient permitted and requested treatment but the doctor is refusing to provide care because of personal feelings and agendas which in turn is actively harming the patient. U could def. argue non of this would have happened if they had treated him when he requested.
Let's see how sympathetic u'll be towards the feelings of the doctor then( ̄へ ̄)
I'd have punched that bitch I don't care what trauma u have don't get in the way of me savin someone who is important to me in my life (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
at that point phineas is already experimenting on himself a lot. mias probably scared shitless about losing another family member and having to grapple w the fact that the same death is waiting for her too. FL comes with a theory and i knew she was trying to help, shes salvaging the little hope left, but after witnessing ur uncle experiment on himself all his live to cure the family curse....the idea of someone experimenting their unfounded hypotheses on their already dying body might be a blow to an open wound for her and she was trying to get phineas comfortable for his dying days, not be a lab rat. i guess she wanted phineas to have a dignified death instead of death from a failed experiment.
i get MC's efforts, hell its natural and normal for her to still try, but i also get mia's lashing out. this whole family is just generations of unsolved griefs and peretshati was the newfound solace, but shes not a cureall.
all in all i wish that her theory is right and phineas is saved