All the decisions or choices he has made have lead to this moment. He also has a part of fault in it.
Taekyung was the adult when he met Heeso. His guilt only made him do the wrong decision. He should have listened to his stepbrother and be apart from Heeso. Let Heeso see a therapist and all.
Yet he chooses to stay in this fucked up relationship.
As a prosecutor he should have put his mother in jail because she murdered someone. Taekyung only made selfish decision which backfired at him.
Taekyung never helped Heeso because he only thought about his guilt. He stayed with Heeso because he felt bad. If he has truly helped Heeso, Heeso wouldn't be as unstable as now.
He always did everything with half assed feelings that's exactly why he can't finish what he began.
I understand why people call him an hypocrite because Taekyung always did things halfway.
Him being stabbed was not deserved but we can understand why the situation has become like this.

But I truly think he didn't have time to process everything. Yeah, his choices at the start weren't specially good but he still was manipulated by Heeso and his own adoptive mom.
He wanted to put his adoptive mom on jail but her, instead of taking all the guilt, decided to say she had cancer and make her son feel even worse because, how can you put the person you love and discovered on 1-2 days that she murderer someone and also has cancer on jail? Oh and he didn't have enough evidence so he would have to debate with a more experienced prosecutor.
And now he has to calm down Heeso not because he loves him, just because how dangerous is.
He didn't make the right choices BUT rn, he didn't have enough time to process what to do with his mother.
Maybe things would have been different if she didn't hide the fact she was sick or if she wasn't a prosecutor.

Taekyung is a prosecutor. I think that if he had morals he should have put his mother in jail whomever it was his mother or his brother. If he wanted justice he should have put his mother in jail. If he truly wanted to put his mother in jail he should have make up his mind which he couldn't. So no... Taekyung never wanted to put his mother in jail even though he knew the truth. If he truly wanted it he should have stand up against his foster mom by all means the moment he put a foot on the room.
But as we know the only reason why Taekyung was so obstinate with this case is because he wanted to prove the innocence of his foster mom and not because he wanted justice for his teacher. So in the end he never really wanted justice for his teacher who by the way was nothing but kind to him.
His intentions was only egotistical. Taekyung is not even professional.
I mean yeah it's not an easy choice... It's unbearable to have to be in this situation but Taekyung is a prosecutor. He study a lot as a prosecutor. As a professional you need to be more objective. In this chapter we can see how egoistic Taekyung is... How human he is.

Exactly, he didn't even had a day to process it all. First he's a human, secondly a prosecutor.
He also has emotions and feelings. I don't know what you all don't get. It hasn't passed even 24 hours. Let him be a human, be a foster child. Let him process that her teacher was killed by his Foster mom, that her mom has cancer, that he has been living with the murder of his teacher for years.
He's a human also. Not only a prosecutor. In real life not even a real prosecutor could've processed everything in less than 24hrs.

I red a comment here in this comment section. I don't know if they're truly a prosecutor in real life and I don't know the person in real life so... Yeah they said they were a prosecutor and would still put the mother in jail. They are working on a difficult/similar case.
Also they added that it was not professional for Taekyung to seek for the real culprit when he was personally involved.
Not related to you personally but I think that it is pretty funny that you're using the human card on Taekyung when I saw a lot of comment that are forgetting that Heeso is also human and much younger than the MC.
Yet because he's a manipulative rapist they can't see him as a human.
Back to the topic... Taekyung always had his doubt about his foster mom yet he was in denial.
He was in high school when he first doubted his foster mom.
Taekyung is not a child too. He's an adult and was against many hardship in life. He has a lot of experience and expertise.
In real life a prosecutor would not be in charge of a case that personally involved them.
With all that being said it doesn't mean that what's happening to Taekyung should be taken lightly and that we can't find empathy for him.
Yes, being in Taekyung shoes is not easy and must be difficult...

I don't think you were rude tho. We are only defending our opinions dw about that.
I've read our conversation again and I think somehow we are both right.
My initial point about that is that people has to give some time (1-2 days) to Taekyung so he can process everything for his own mental health. Even if he already had doubts about his mother.
I agree that he as to put her foster mom on jail because at the end of the day she killed two persons as you said.
And about Heeso, I know you aren't referring specially about me, a while a go I replied to someone (I don't remember what they said) saying that he's just a kid that has gone through a lot and needs someone (a therapist) to help him to manage and understand his emotions. Still he SA Taekyung, that's a fact.
Anyways, I don't wanna argue about this topic anymore even tho it was interesting being able to see the other opinions about this situation.

Thank you for you too for being kind and respectful. The way you carry yourself in a "debate" also amazed me. It was very interesting to read a different side from my point of view.
I think you are not wrong too. I agree with you about Heeso. Heeso still SA Taekyung. Him being human or a "child" (he was an adult back then) doesn't change anything.
I am glad you found our conversation interesting. I hope you'll have a good life full of happiness kind stranger on the internet !
Give some rest to Taekyung omg. People saying he's an hypocrite? Can't you see his situation. The person who RAISED him, who has been his family, his MOM is now a murderer and he discovered she has stage 3 cancer. Don't u even feel a little bad for him?
Plus now he has to somehow help heeso to control his feelings.
Just poor guy, 10 years trying to help her teacher's son because of guilt and now he discovered that everything around him is collapsing. Plus we all know what will happen the next chapters.